UNHCR United StatesVerified account


The official account of the UN Refugee Agency in the United States & the Caribbean. Follow us on Facebook: UNHCR + Instagram: refugees.

Washington, DC
Joined October 2010
Born on 20 June


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 20

    Soccer coach ⚽️ Elementary school principal 👨🏿‍🏫 Family man 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Refugee Spend a day with Bertine in Gillette, Wyoming

  2. Jul 4
  3. Everyone has the right to life and liberty. Everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Everyone has the right to seek asylum from persecution.

  4. “With over 68 million displaced people around the world today, there has never been a more compelling reason or greater urgency to show solidarity and support for refugees.” - Ben Stiller , our newest Goodwill Ambassador

  5. From refugee camp to elementary school principal: For Bertine, education has always been a foundation to build a better future, for both himself and the Gillette, Wyoming students he mentors everyday. 🏫📚🇺🇸 His inspiring story

  6. "I want people to know that refugees are no different than your neighbor or yourself or a family member." On , premiered "Open Arms" - her new song about standing . 🎶 🔊 Turn on the sound!

  7. Protecting refugee children is a test of our humanity. Share our Filippo Grandi and Henrietta Fore's message about why we need to work together to keep refugee kids safe. via

  8. 🎥 Actor 📢 Director 🎬 Producer 🤲 Philanthropist ...and now... 🌍 Goodwill Ambassador. Thank you for standing .

  9. Jul 3

    In the biggest refugee site in the world, UN Filippo Grandi talked to about the Rohingya refugees he met during his visit to Bangladesh. , watch the video here:

  10. Want to learn more about refugees? Apply for a fall internship with in Washington. The application deadline is July 15 🗓️

  11. Jul 2

    I guess this means i am actually approved. Thank you Filippo, proud to be a part of what does to try and help bring to light the reality of the refugee experience .

  12. No one becomes a refugee by choice. ~ Filippo Grandi

  13. Jul 4

    Our Goodwill Ambassador and world champion slam poet Emi Mahmoud will share her heart-stopping poetry at the annual Leadership Summit in Washington, DC! 📲 You can watch LIVE here on July 10 at 2:45pm ET:

  14. Jul 4

    After serving in Afghanistan + Iraq, this Marine veteran is on a new mission: speaking up for refugees on Capitol Hill. He believes that welcoming refugees helps keep America safe

  15. Jul 1

    Have spent a few days in & around Catania, Italy, meeting with refugees and hearing their stories. As always, I am in awe of their strength & resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity. Photos by

  16. Jul 4

    Soccer coach ⚽️ Elementary school principal 👨🏿‍🏫 Family man 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Refugee Spend a day with Bertine in Gillette, Wyoming

  17. Jul 4

    “Our response will be the measure of our humanity" UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie shares how to alleviate the global refugee crisis

  18. Jun 29

    This is one of my most proudest moments to date. And it’s playing the song I wrote in honor of 💖🌍

  19. Jul 2

    Thank you and the for this incredible article. We had tea for a couple of hours and she managed to center the narratives that combat oppression beautifully, shout out my book & It means so much to be heard!

  20. Jul 3

    “With this education, they will build something for the future.” These Syrian refugee kids in Lebanon are getting a new opportunity to go to school.

  21. Jul 3

    "There has never been a more compelling reason or greater urgency to show solidarity and support for refugees." - Ben Stiller , our newest Goodwill Ambassador


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