Latvian unearmarked funds save refugees worldwide
Contributions to UNHCR
Latvia has been donating to UNHCR on a regular basis since 2012. Between 2013 and 2015, Latvia annually contributed an important unearmarked donation of EUR 15,000. In 2016, Latvia earmarked its entire funding to UNHCR’s large-scale humanitarian operations in the Middle East, to strengthen the overall response to the needs erupting from the Syria emergency. In 2015, Latvia granted a total of EUR 115,000 to UNHCR of which EUR 100,000 were allocated to the Ukraine situation and the Syria emergency. In 2014, Latvia nearly doubled its support to UNHCR and funded operations addressing the devastating impact of the outbreak of violence in Iraq and people affected by the conflict inside Ukraine.
Contribution Breakdown
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Donor Government Counterparts
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is UNHCR´s Government counterpart on matters related to strategic cooperation and funding