
Creative arts centre in Belarus builds bridges for refugees

Refugee and local children mingle at a UNHCR-funded project where they can take part in activities from kickboxing to ballet.

10 Jul 2018

Malian refugee refuses forced marriage in favour of school

Fatimata, 12, had a narrow escape after resisting an arranged marriage, but her case reflects a wider problem among Malian refugees in Mauritania.

10 Jul 2018

Children learn key to coding success at classes in Belarus

IT firm's staff volunteer to teach refugees and local children to create interactive games and art.

6 Jul 2018

A Leader in Education

Rwandan refugee lives up to her name, runs top ranking primary school in eSwatini

6 Jul 2018

Mothers of Congo's lost children break silence

Thousands of children are thought to be missing as DR Congo's displacement crisis deepens.

4 Jul 2018

Monsoon rains highlight needs of Rohingya refugees

UN and World Bank chiefs head to Bangladesh to seek support for nearly a million Rohingya refugees facing ongoing displacement from Myanmar.

1 Jul 2018

Magazine's media studies course is good news for refugees

An Austrian news magazine offers young asylum-seekers the chance to enter the world of journalism.

29 Jun 2018

'In all my life, I've not known even five minutes of peace'

Four generations of a Rohingya refugee family describe how statelessness has clouded their lives – and their hopes of returning to Myanmar.

29 Jun 2018

Coding in a refugee camp

Learning how to code gives young refugee woman a chance for a brighter future

28 Jun 2018