10 ways the UN is innovating

10 ways the UN is innovating

The United Nations will turn 70 this year, and many people would be surprised to see “innovation” and “the UN” in the same sentence. Yet, there are dozens of innovative programs and products that are currently being developed at the UN. From...
15 TED Talks on refugee resilience

15 TED Talks on refugee resilience

Feel like getting inspired today? Then look no further than these TED and TEDx Talks that highlight the resilience of refugees from all around the world. These are just a handful of voices representing the ingenuity of tens of millions of displaced persons and the...
Building bridges between refugees and the private sector

Building bridges between refugees and the private sector

As an ifellow, I am receiving training in innovative design thinking and project management, and to put into practice these new skills, I will be working in three objectives through the fellowship: 1. Strengthen an ongoing innovative initiative, which is the Corporate...
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