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  1. ha ritwittato
    21 giu
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  2. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Our brave border patrol agents are getting kicked in the teeth by the media. Please retweet if you appreciate the hard work these agents do to keep us AND immigrants safe & secure. Much of their work is search & rescue of illegal immigrants but the leftists won’t talk about that!

  3. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Russian cosmonaut make video of satellite passing by station

  4. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Don’t worry, the Republicans, and your President, will fix it!

  5. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    'Quit your job and travel the world!': A travel blogger confesses the grim financial reality behind the Instagram dream by

  6. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Can’t believe ICE is sneaking into Mexico and kidnapping children. Disgusting Drumpf policy

  7. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Easy solution: Deport the entire family back to their home country. Kids and parents get deported together There I fixed the problem.

  8. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    The three cover letter mistakes to avoid if you want to get an interview by

  9. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    How to write the perfect CV – first, refuse to play this stupid game

  10. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    I should have retweeted this myself. The Bell Curve in about 30 or 40 pages.

  11. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    BUT YOU'RE SEPARATING CHILDREN FROM THEIR FATHERS! Oh no - wait that's not what happened. "Suspect": Humberto Guzman-Garcia

  12. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    "Just because your child gets across the border that doesn't mean your child gets to stay" - Hillary Clinton 2014

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  13. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Here are pictures of the government ripping apart mothers and children on the first day of school. The psychological trauma could last forever.

  14. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Never forget - no religious fanatic, no militant cadre, no zealot throughout history can match the level of hatred a typical American journalist feels against you.

  15. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Normies: "Demons aren't real that's just superstitious nonsense" Me: -

  16. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    There are 1.3 Billion Catholics in the world and the majority of them are not white. The Pope is Argentinian. Some of the Bishops on the shortlist to succeed him are African. Other than that, great tweet.

  17. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    .: "This is one of those moments that tells you everything about our ruling class. They care far more about foreigners than about their own people."

  18. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Think of how much trouble you save just by keeping illegals OUT of the country from the beginning and preventing their entry with a wall and tough security. Weakness leads to further demands.

  19. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Yes, let's return to our compassionate and moral immigration reduction that we had from 1920 to 1965 that created the middle class and made us the world superpower

  20. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    The only reason the separation of children from their parents at the border is an issue is because Russia didn’t work, gun control didn’t work, & neither did Stormy Daniels. The Democrats need something to distract from their high level crimes & this is just the latest craze.


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