Alexandra A. Čeferin


Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc.1976-; Portal ,1998-2017, 2018, e-resources, bilateral cultural projects

Melbourne, Australia.
Iscritto a aprile 2010


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  1. ha ritwittato
    13 giu
  2. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    - 'Klang, Bild und Politik' (Sound, Picture and Politics) just released; essays are in German and English language:

  3. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Two rules to follow: Rule #1: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule #2: It’s all small stuff.

  4. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Research spending (% of GDP) India: 0.6% Canada: 1.6% UK: 1.7% China: 2.1% US: 2.7% Germany: 2.9% S Korea: 4.2% (OECD, 2015)

  5. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Right, move on and live. We have 86,400 seconds in every day so don’t let someone’s negative 10 seconds ruin the rest of your 86,390. Don't sweat the small stuff, life is bigger than that.

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  6. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Univerza v Ljubljani lansirala spletni portal Alumni UL. Ostanite obveščeni, poiščite nekdanje sošolce in nove karierne priložnosti ter se povezujte z drugimi alumni Univerze v Ljubljani!

  7. ha ritwittato
    21 giu
  8. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Praznik glasbe 2018: krožek na Trnovski plaži feat: Tetsuo (Matej Mihevc) / Ḿ̹͎̝̟̜̞O̶͙͎̮͈̙D̵̻̠͔͈E͕͉͇̯M̩͖̟͈̀͟ͅ > Blažen DJ (Blaž Pavlica) & Jaša Bužinel / Partijska linija od 17.00 do 22.00

  9. ha ritwittato
    21 giu
  10. ha ritwittato
    18 giu
  11. 18 ore fa

    Four Keys in Life : truth, knowledge, meditation, compassion.

  12. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    PM performs Yoga along with 50,000 participants on the occasion of at Dehradun’s iconic FRI campus.

  13. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Growth in India's share in world GDP increased from 2.43% in 2013 to 3.08% in 2017 under Modi government.

  14. 18 ore fa
  15. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    As if living in Sydney wasn't expensive enough for a writer (struggling or otherwise), the NSW government is refusing to pay millions of dollars in owed copyright fees. Well said . What about it ?

  16. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Our head of the Cultural Fund, Nicola Evans, will join an esteemed panel - including and - in Melbourne this weekend to discuss how creators can sustainably fund their practice. Visit:

  17. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    After a dedicated campaign from , and Indigenous Art Code, the Federal Government invests $150,000 in a pilot program to combat fake Aboriginal art. Great work!

  18. ha ritwittato
    9 giu

    Slovenci nismo narod hlapcev zato, ker hlapcujemo, temvec zato, ker se ne zavedamo lastnih moci. Srecko Kosovel V kamnolomu v Koprivi na Krasu

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  19. ha ritwittato
    21 ore fa

    Muzičko leto 1984, Laibach, koncert u SKC-u: Da li se grupa i sama izgubila u košmaru svojih ideja?

  20. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

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