Democratic Gremlin snacking on #pr4bc info  


Irreverent & not easily daunted. Daughter of a ♡ Kein Kindergeburtstag! ♡ I support the

Iscritto a gennaio 2009


Hai bloccato @Teelin

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  1. Tweet fissato

    In 2017 more than 1,400 people died of an illicit drug overdose in . 81% of these death involved . Nearly 90% of people who died were alone inside a home when they suffered an overdose. Four out of five were men, and more than half of all victims were aged 30-49.

  2. 22 giu

    This photo essay by Elton John in the NYT on the lives and persecution of LGBTs in Africa is simultaneously beautiful, moving, inspiring, infuriating and sad:

  3. 22 giu

    Mit 62 der 63 Punkte in Seehofers hat Merkel kein Problem. Wer wäre denn, wenn er jetzt in dem EINEN Punkt nachgeben würde? Richtig: kein Arsch.

  4. Owner of clearly hacked by someone with an ounce of humanity. Quick mob, have a conniption!

  5. Here is a guess: Virtually no Democrat nor Republican will speak up in public against this dangerous threat to . Not , not , not and not . I don't even like or much and still:

  6. 10 ore fa

    The US Espionage Act was meant for people who leak secrets to foreign governments, not someone like Assange who published leaked material. It has no public-interest defense. Journalists could be next. Charges should be dropped.

  7. Glad to see the red woman brought Ygritte back to life so she could marry Jon Snow! ;-)

  8. 22 giu

    – here's what Melania will wear next:

  9. 22 giu

    "Der Vorschlag der ist vollkommen untauglich, und das wissen die auch." findet deutliche Worte im :

  10. 10 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    Wenn zwei CSU Abgeordnete nicht komplett in der um einen unbekannten Masterplan tanzenden Sekte verhaftet sind, dann reicht es auch für CDU und SPD ...

  11. 21 giu

    Es gebe "nicht wenige in Berlin, die mich loswerden wollen", sagte --- Nicht nur in Berlin, mein Freund - sondern in der gesamten Republik!

  12. 13 ore fa

    With first-past-the-post the chances of your vote electing someone who represents your views is roughly 50/50. With it’s above 90%. That’s what making your vote “count" means under each system.

  13. 14 ore fa

    Just throwing this idea out there ... 😂🤣

  14. 15 ore fa

    A great group of riders getting ready for the ride

  15. 18 ore fa

    Canada separated thousands of Indigenous children from their parents between the 1960s and the 1980s. It's called the Sixties Scoop and the effects are still being felt today.

  16. 23 giu

    Deutsche bereit, Mesut Özil zu verzeihen, wenn er 14 Tore gegen Schweden schießt

  17. 20 ore fa
    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  18. 21 giu

    Yesterday voted in favor of the and . It’s a disturbing move that will benefit powerful interests at the expense of the open web, freedom of expression, and users’ rights. But the fight is not over.

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  19. 21 giu

    check out 's post for what’s next, including an upcoming vote in the European Parliament plenary that could oppose the negotiating mandate and reopen the discussion on the © reform

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  20. 22 giu

    BREAKING: The Supreme Court just issued a groundbreaking victory for Americans’ privacy rights by ruling that police need a warrant to get your cell phone location history.

    Mostra questa discussione
  21. 22 giu
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