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  1. 3 ore fa

    Watch teacher Sue Phillips tell the Sydney rally to free Julian why educators must come to the defence of the editor!

  2. 15 ore fa

    Julian Assange has now been isolated from the outside world for 87 days. (Yes you read that right.) Help end his isolation by sharing and signing this petition.

  3. 22 giu

    Ecuadorian foreign minister warns that Julian Assange’s political asylum is “not forever”: The comments are an indication of a conspiracy to force him out of the embassy and into UK/US custody.

  4. 22 giu

    "I promise that I will kill everyone involved in your website. There is nowhere on this earth that you will be able to hide from me." — US intel agent to

  5. 21 giu

    This happened at the Embassy on 19. June 2018. The 6th year of arbitrary detention at the Embassy. RT & LET IT BE HEARD ALL OVER THE WORLD...

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  6. 21 giu

    Australian vigils held in defence of Julian : "He represents our cultural right to criticism. That is not something that the ruling class wants—freedom of speech and freedom of thought."

  7. 20 giu

    Socialist Equality Party leader Julie Hyland speaks at London vigil to demand freedom for Julian

  8. 20 giu

    Pickets in Sri Lanka and India demand freedom for Julian : Picketers displayed a banner reading in English, Sinhala and Tamil

  9. 20 giu

    More voices from the rally to free Julian : "Freedom of thought and expression is what this kind of rally brings. They’re trying to make an example out of Assange to silence all of us."

  10. 19 giu
  11. 19 giu
  12. 19 giu
  13. 19 giu
  14. 19 giu

    "If we have brains or courage, then we are blessed and called on not to frit these qualities away...but rather to prove the vigor of our talents against the strongest opponents of love we can find" - Assange

  15. 18 giu

    Must watch interview with Independent Journalist Caitlin Johnstone recently on in support of Julian Assange who needs our help more than ever.

  16. 17 giu

    A youtube video featuring 's speech to the Sydney rally in defence of Julian today.

  17. 16 giu

    Attend the rally today to demand freedom for Julian Assange! 1pm at Sydney Town Hall square! John Pilger and James Cogan will be among the speakers.

  18. 15 giu

    Defend Julian ! Join the rally at Town Hall this Sunday! World-renowned investigative journalist John Pilger will be speaking to demand the Turnbull government action to free Assange.

  19. 13 giu

    "We're an activist organization. The method is transparency, the goal is justice." - Julian Assange

  20. 10 giu
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