Omar Samra     عمر سمرهAccount verificato


Survived Rowing the Atlantic | Mountain & Polar Adventurer | Founder Motivational Speaker | Future Astronaut | UN Goodwill Ambassador | 👽

Egypt, UAE & above the clouds
Iscritto a dicembre 2008


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  1. The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Theodore Hesburgh

  2. Ellsworth mountain, Antarctica!: via

  3. hoping that our documentary , recounting the story of our harrowing Atlantic crossing attempt, will help show how brave and heroic these people are for what we endured is only a fraction of what they go through on a daily basis in search for a normal life

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  4. On the I stand with because their plight is not theirs alone. It is a burden for all of us to carry and share. My hope is to always have the opportunity to lend my voice to theirs and make even a small difference.

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  5. Why can we remember the tiniest detail that happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person? La Rochefoucauld

  6. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana

  7. It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, then to decide it without stirring it up. Joseph Joubert

  8. Memory is the mother of all wisdom. Aeschylus

  9. Annulla
  10. Our opportunities to do good are our talents. Cooton Mather

  11. We can do nobel acts without ruling earth and sea. Aristotle

  12. “The education systems of today are graduating students that are perfectly prepared for a world that existed 50 years ago”

  13. Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits. Mark Twain

  14. What a different world this would be if people would only magnify their blessings the way they do their troubles!

  15. The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers. Sydney Harris

  16. We can learn something new any time we believe we can. Virginia Satir

  17. Hold a tight reign over the three T’s - thought, temper, tongue — and you will have few regrets.

  18. Stand against the use of plastic. 🤚🏼🚫

  19. One ought, everyday at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible to speak a few reasonable words. Goethe

  20. Now that you know what I was up to at , Nadra, the ’s character in our charity logo, is coming to life and going into a comic and we couldn’t be more excited! Check the article to know more! I will keep you posted with news!


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