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  1. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    We all know women had a fundamental role in building our city—and yet there are so few public monuments that celebrate those contributions! That's about to change! Deputy Mayor is asking for suggestions—submit your nomination at .

  2. 14 giu

    “You hear if you just work your butts off, pull yourself up by your bootstraps … you do all the things you’re supposed to do, you’re safe,” said. “That’s a fallacy, because we’re only as safe as the most vulnerable in our community.” . 🇺🇸

  3. 10 giu

    A remembrance of the lives, love, lost due to systemic denial and stigmatization of an infectious disease, and the lives, love, sustained by acknowledgement of a crisis, and culturally appropriate, evidence-based intervention. Milton Glaser, 1987, .

  4. 10 giu

    "People with depression were not synchronized to the usual solar day in terms of this gene activity. It's as if they were living in a different time zone than the one they died in." : .

  5. ha ritwittato
    7 giu

    Stockton, Calif., will be the first American city to have a program that will give some of its families cash ($500) every month, no strings attached

  6. 9 giu

    1/2 "Detroit looks like nowhere else. Detroit looks like motherfuckin’ Detroit. As it should. ... "I love Detroit. I love Detroiters. You’ve got to have a sense of humor to live in a city so relentlessly fucked. You’ve got to be tough—and occasionally even devious."

  7. 9 giu

    2/2 "Kick out the Jams" , the Compassionate, Curious, and Ever Credible . 💌

  8. 9 giu

    Research confirms lived experience: just 1 window to green in the world--be it a tree, lawn, or artificial nature--has & benefits; a restorative effect; and a positive impact on productivity, creativity for the inhabitant.

  9. 8 giu

    "...cycling is about creating livable cities and happy people."

  10. 4 giu

    When will Canada open a refugee stream for Americans, already. In my final semester I bought the university's study/research abroad health insurance so I could have semi-peace of mind knowing there was healthcare across the border.

  11. ha ritwittato
    4 giu

    "Nothing should last forever, including our patience." These toxic chemicals are everywhere — even in your body. And they won’t ever go away.

  12. 4 giu

    Library, How Do I Love Thee? On , I reflect on selecting to wear my t-shirt from Parade, to boost my courage to cycle up Fifth Ave that I otherwise avoided, for this in which I demonstrate EEG- mapping.

  13. 4 giu

    1/2 Women (and all historically oppressed groups) have played and continue to exercise an active role in their own collective empowerment & liberation, towards -- let's ensure all language respects that history, particularly apropos when it's that's narrating?

  14. 4 giu

    2/2 Women's *use of* bicycles merits an active, not passive, voice; and women are subjects, not objects -- even on . *In past and present, women have cycled their way to greater mobility and less restrictive clothing.* 🚲✍️💅

  15. ha ritwittato
    29 mag

    Public health campaigns are among the most effective forms of medical intervention, dollar for dollar. So why don't we have more of them?

  16. ha ritwittato
    1 giu

    Need assistance to attend ? Don't forget to apply for a scholarship!

  17. ha ritwittato
    1 giu

    Botanic Garden Forced To Euthanize Rose Bush That Pricked Child

  18. 3 giu

    1/2 "La violencia" was a phrase I learned & heard often while immersing myself to improve my Spanish first in the very welcoming Quetzaltenango then in Medellín - thanks to my tutor and friends in Guatemala who schooled me on the eras of the U.S. orchestrating golpes de estado,

  19. 3 giu

    2/2 supporting dictators' atrocities, genocide of indigenous peoples. Last week, more blood of an innocent Guatemalteca on U.S. hands, this time on U.S. soil. Claudia, shot in the head while she was journeying simply to work.

  20. 1 giu

    "[Coming remotely close to] Understanding the mind of another person is ... enabled by getting perspective, not simply taking perspective." - .


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