Alf DubsVerified account


Labour Peer, ex-MP for Battersea. Interested in human rights, asylum policy and Ireland. RT are not endorsements.

Joined January 2012


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  1. Retweeted
  2. Jun 22

    I fled the Nazis as a child refugee. 's border policy echoes Europe's darkest days. My piece in

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    on Tories rejected Labour proposals to welcome just 10 refugee families to the borough. Other boroughs are playing their part, but not Wandsworth - it turns its back on refugees but will welcome Trump next month.

  4. Jun 20

    As a 6-year-old Britain welcomed me, my life was saved along with 10,000 others on the eve of WW2. But today 1000s of children are still fleeing war needing safe passage. I'm with because now it's . Please join them.

  5. Jun 20

    on   I call on and the administration to end their cruel policy of dividing children from parents and instead show leadership, compassion and humanity when processing migrants and refugees who arrive in the US. Childhood trauma ruins lives.

  6. Jun 20

    On I am calling on the UK government to honour the commitment it made to me personally and in Parliament to welcome unaccompanied refugee children who have no family here and to take more Syrian refugees from the region.

    , , and 4 others
  7. Retweeted

    Half of the people in this film have fled conflict. All of them stand with refugees. This , watch and retweet Shakespeare’s powerful call to .

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  8. Jun 20

    On I call on all Nations, including our own, to show humanity towards refugees and migrants who arrive in seeking safety. We have a shared responsibility to ease this global humanitarian crisis.

    , , and 5 others
  9. Jun 12

    I welcome the Government's acceptance of family reunion for child refugees post-Brexit. This has always been a cross-Party effort, with particular support from to name a few

  10. Retweeted
    Jun 8

    (3/3) If you haven't already please write to your MP today ahead of Tuesday's debate. We don't have long to keep these children safe after Brexit. Write to them in 60 seconds --->

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  11. Retweeted
    Jun 8

    (1/3) The Gov. has conceded to amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill. They accept child refugees in Europe should still be able to reunite with their family (parents, brothers & sisters) in the UK after Brexit. (1/2)

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  12. Jun 8

    An honour to have been invited to unveil 's powerful sculpture "The Children of Calais". Thank you for inviting me and to the people of for such a warm welcome.

  13. Retweeted
    Jun 8

    Very excited that will be introducing on the 23rd June at ! () Alf is an advocate for and we're thrilled to have his support during

  14. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    This message needs to be shared. Please don't wait. We've less than 7-days to make sure your MP supports the Dublin III amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill. Write to your MP here --->

  15. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    "Leaving the EU must not mean turning our backs on our humanitarian principles." urges MPs to back his refugee family unity amendment next week

  16. Retweeted
    Jun 5
  17. May 29

    well done Jess and Christabel

  18. May 2

    Good luck to all the candidates standing for election tomorrow, especially my friends in and . I know what a positive difference Labour councillors make to their communities.

  19. Apr 30

    Today, the Lords vote on my amendment to the . If the govt is serious about treating people with human decency, they must not turn their backs on unaccompanied child refugees in Europe who seek to join their family here after .  

  20. Retweeted
    Apr 29

    Have you returned your postal vote? Make sure your vote counts, post it off by tomorrow evening otherwise it may arrive too late. Use all 3 votes for Labour - we’ll build genuinely affordable homes, protect school budgets and clean up our air.

    , , and 7 others

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