Partners for Economic Inclusion

UNHCR is grateful to the Joint Strategy Partners for Economic Inclusion of Refugees for their support to the UNHCR refugee response in Rwanda

MIDIMAR-UNHCR Joint Strategy Partners Project One-pagers
Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR)  Financial Inclusion of Refugees  
Association Bengerana Jabiro 
Association Rwandaise pour l’Éducation et le Développement Communautaire (AREDEC)
 Finance Sector Deepening Africa (FSD Africa)  

Financial Inclusion of Refugees  

Gardens for Health  Combating Malnutrition with Integrated Nutrition and Garden Training
Green Label Training Center
Imanzi Spectrum Centre
Indego Africa  Refugee-Produced Artisanal Baskets – Ready for Exports!!!
Inyenyeri Creating Jobs with Healthier Cooking Technology
Inkomoko Entrepreneurship Development for Refugees
Isoko Life Center
Kamakiza Amedy Haute Couture
Kepler Higher Education Improving the Employability of Refugees
Lifting People in Poverty Initiative Rwanda (LPPI)
Reseau Culturel Sangwa
Sustainable Health Enterprise