Standing with refugees to celebrate the World Refugee Day

A time for solidarity with refugees and their host communities.

The Hon. Minister of Disaster Management and Refugees and local authorities, together with United Nations Resident Coordinator, UNHCR Representative and staff, the Ambassador of the United States of America, refugee leaders, representatives of the international community including partner NGOs at the WRD event in Nyabiheke. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN

The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees (MIDIMAR) together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) joined hands with refugees hosted in Rwanda to celebrate the World Refugee Day on 20 June 2018 themed “With Refugees”.

The celebrations of the main event at the national level took place in Nyabiheke refugee camp located in Gatsibo District, Eastern Province. Yet, the day was celebrated in the whole country in all camps hosting refugees as well as in urban areas namely Huye and Kigali.

Rwanda has consistently expressed commitment to its international obligation to receive and protect refugees fleeing conflicts in their countries. Rwanda is currently hosting nearly 153,000 refugees mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Traditional dance by Congolese refugees with disabilities during the World Refugee Day in Nyabiheke on 20 June. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN

Traditional dance by Congolese refugees with disabilities during the World Refugee Day in Nyabiheke on 20 June. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


In the context of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), investments are being made in refugee hosting areas with a view to increasingly integrate services within national government systems and allow refugees to participate in local economies so that they can increase their level of self-reliance and contribute to the communities in which they live. As part of its longstanding commitment for refugees, the Government of Rwanda is engaged since 2018 in the CRRF’s whole-of-society approach in refugee response, focusing on four commitments related to health, education, documentation and livelihoods. With the timely arrival of the CRRF in Rwanda, UNHCR and partners will work with the Government to ensure that refugees are provided with opportunities to succeed, not only survive.

“With the enrolment of refugees in the National Development Initiatives, both host and refugee communities will be enabled to enhance their self-reliance and improve their common living environment,” said the Minister, DE BONHEUR Jeanne d’Arc.

“The Government of Rwanda in partnership with different stakeholders will continue to ensure its contribution to the wellbeing of refugees through access to education, health care, documentation and socio-economic initiatives,” the Minister added.

The UNHCR Country Representative to Rwanda, Ahmed Baba Fall on behalf of the High Commissioner, Filippo Grandi relayed his message reminding people that helping refugees to rebuild their lives needs all of us – working together is critical so that they can achieve what most of us take for granted – education, a place to live, a job, being part of a community. Over time, the impact is enormous – for refugee families and those who welcome them.

The country continues to show empathy towards the refugees that have lived in the country for over 20 years in some camps.

“In today’s world, no community or country providing safe refuge to people fleeing war or persecution should be alone and unsupported. We stand together, or we fail,” stated Fodé Ndiaye, the UN Resident Coordinator in Rwanda on behalf of the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres.

Official Statement

Read the Statement by UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi on World Refugee Day 2018

Read the Message by United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres on World Refugee Day 2018

PHOTOS: Commemorating the World Refugee Day 2018 in Rwanda – Kigali event


Kigali, UNHCR Country Office – UNHCR welcomed a group of refugees from Burundi and DR Congo who live in Kigali for the World Refugee Day. Here, one of the refugee leaders is making her opening remarks to the attendance. © UNHCR/Protogene NDWANIYE


Kigali, UNHCR Country Office – DR Congolese women showcased cultural dances from their home country. © UNHCR/Protogene NDWANIYE


Kigali, UNHCR Country Office – Burundian refugee drummers opened the event with a skilful and impressive show. © UNHCR/Protogene NDWANIYE


Kigali, UNHCR Country Office – Stand #WithRefugees painting, a collaborative artwork made by urban refugee kids during the Word Refugee Day celebration under the leadership of a Burundian refugee painter. © UNHCR/Protogene NDWANIYE

PHOTOS: Commemorating the World Refugee Day 2018 in Rwanda – Nyabiheke event


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – During a guided tour of the camp, a photo exhibition with photos taken by refugee kids throughout all Rwandan camps was presented to the Hon. Minister of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees by UNHCR Integrity Officer. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – A high-level delegation led by the Hon. Minister of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees Mrs. Jeanne d'Arc De Bonheur, the United Nations Resident Coordinator Mr. Fode Ndiaye, UNHCR Representative Mr. Ahmed Baba Fall and the Ambassador of the United States of America Mr. Peter H. Vrooman visited several premises in Nyabiheke Refugee Camp, such as the Early Childhood Development compound, Women and Library Buildings, as well as the Nutrition Center. The delegation was also comprised of local authorities, refugee leaders, representatives of the international community including partner NGOs. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – Congolese women attending activities in the Nutrition Center met with the high-level delegation. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – High-level officials about to attend the main celebration, with UNHCR Representative and Ambassador of the United States of America in the foreground. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – Traditional dance by DR Congolese refugees with disabilities during the World Refugee Day in Nyabiheke on 20 June. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – Refugee communities living in Nyabihehe Camp attended massively the World Refugee Day celebration. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Rwanda, Mr. Fode Ndiaye, conveying the message of the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres on World Refugee Day 2018. Read the full message here: © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN


Nyabiheke Refugee Camp – The Hon. Minister of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees and local authorities, together with United Nations Resident Coordinator, UNHCR Representative and staff, the Ambassador of the United States of America, refugee leaders, representatives of the international community including partner NGOs at the WRD event in Nyabiheke. © UNHCR/Gabriel GELIN