Naima Zia



Ranewal, Gujrat,Pakistan
Iscritto a aprile 2013


Hai bloccato @sciamachy1995

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  1. Tweet fissato
    56 minuti fa

    Robert Frobisher: I understand now that boundaries between noise & sound are conventions.All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so.

  2. 51 minuti fa

    Illusion of such "olive branch" has corrupted many. We choose to become a pawn first and then disown the consequences as sombody else's work or "saazish".

  3. 57 minuti fa

    Haskell Moore: No matter what you do it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean. Adam Ewing: What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?

  4. 59 minuti fa

    Archivist: What if no one believes your story? Sonmi-451: Someone already does.

  5. 5 ore fa

    "Sonsuza kadar adalet, sonsuza kadar hürriyet!"

  6. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Ha! Every nation who tries to go off the dollar gets immediately bombed. America overthrows their democracies then declares their leaders dictators. Gaddafi tried to develop his own currency that would have empowered the middle East and Africa. Obama had him murdered. FACT

  7. 10 ore fa

    Words can actually make you bl€€d Summary of Briti$h Bigotry in Middle East right here 👇👇

  8. 15 ore fa
  9. 19 ore fa

    ☺ got a card from Amijan.

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  10. 19 ore fa
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  11. 20 ore fa

    Not all terrorists are bad, the best ones will justify APS. Know what you are dealing with.

  12. 23 giu

    عالمی دنیا میں مسلم امت کی حالت اس بین ڈالنے والی دکھی خالہ جیسی ہے جس کو باپ کا سایہ سرپر سے اٹھ جانے کے بعد رونے دھونے میں یہ احساس ہی نہیں رہتا کہ مکار،سمجھ دار اور ہوشیار چا چے مامے اپنےحصہ کے ساتھ ساتھ اسکا حصہ بھی لۓ جا رہے ہیں۔ یہ سازش ہے یا بیوقوفی

  13. 23 giu

    A rejected researcher I have many questions but very few answers and you wont like either of them. I too gave up lies disguised as truths,it was and is painful,almost like performing a self surgery without anesthesia. But I refuse 2 set for a comfortable delusion. I wont give in.

  14. 23 giu

    "I feel so deprived in my 'understanding', and so 'accomplished' in my insanity ; so poor in my reason,while so rich in my tears ; so stupid in a head held high, yet dedicated to fall in sajdah." (a friend sent me this earlier this morning 💔) I feel you. May God help us find Him

  15. 22 giu

    Wide-awake, till I can sleep with the lights off. Brutal era. Brutal historical moment.

  16. 22 giu

    We are being idiots by haphazardly planting industries instead of trees on a fertile land leaving it barren forever. There are plenty of areas in Pakistan that can be used for industrial purposes(deserts etc). Time to abandon poisoning resources in the name of modernity.

  17. 22 giu

    This world has seen days when, bear with me, میتھی دانہ، زعفران and تخملنگا were used as currency. We have plenty or all such resources and still are fool enough to convert them all into what matter not. Perks of CIVILISATION.

  18. 22 giu
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  19. 22 giu
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  20. 22 giu
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