68,500,000 people. 68,500,000 stories. 68,500,000 dreams. 68,500,000 journeys. 68,500,000 lives uprooted. 68,500,000 missed chances. 68,500,000 longing for home. 68,500,000 unthinkable tragedies. 68,500,000 heads full of memories. 68,500,000 were displaced at the end of 2017.pic.twitter.com/vyBF2NnoNt
Talking about the ones that are which In case of Syria, Yemen etc makes it most of them.
#UN is addressing the issue purely on human grounds and we should all try to keep it human only. -
UN Dealing with the crisis on human grounds should not liberate or relax muslims/arabs from playing their part is what I am saying. یو این کو بنے جمع جمع آٹھ دن ہوۓ ہیں، اسکا یہ مطلب نہیں کہ رسول اللہ کی اُمت اپنی ذمہ داریاں بھول جاۓ۔
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