

“All the evils have been locked in a room and its key is lying.” Journalists aren't above the law. They should be charged for spreading disinfo & propoganda!

Iscritto a aprile 2011


Hai bloccato @AussieYazz

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  1. Tweet fissato
    17 giu

    in under They have NEVER had it so good. Don't confuse Turkey with Even there the US/West find terror groups & buy criminals to cause civil unrest!

  2. 22 giu
  3. 22 giu
  4. 22 giu
  5. 22 giu

    Oh & sexual harassment of women in his own party @CHP !

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  6. 22 giu

    behaviour. .oh wait.. WORSE! ! zero respect for voters ESPECIALLY & law enforcement is who's running in the Presidential in against He's the 'preferred' president! That's why

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  7. 22 giu

    If he were a or or they'd have locked him up forever no questions asked. Mental illness if you're white!

  8. 21 giu

    Kusura bakmayin da o "ayasi ibnesi kahpesi" de TC nin vatandaslari. Burdaki suç nedir? Herseyi buyutmeseniz derim. Peygamberler zamanlarinda yokmuydu bunlar?

  9. 21 giu
  10. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
    In risposta a e

    The British were putting Kenyans, 1.5 MILLION of them including children in Concentration camps not so long ago.

  11. 21 giu

    We're still only 'discussing' 2nd airport for and even if it started today it will take 15 years to complete ffs! actually WORKS for his country

  12. 21 giu

    There should be an enquiry into the (Aust Medical Assoc) are refusing to write reports(deal with) & for their patients! People requiring reports etc are stuck between them!

  13. 21 giu

    is a convicted terrorist cum politician! He has blood on his hands especially blood! like the 16yo teen whom his mob lynched, tortured & killed! Screw 'democracy' allowing him to even run, this bastard should be hanged!

  14. 21 giu

    Brilliant clip for campaign "Why vote ?" The youth never lived (or suffered) or saw the pre Erdoğan problems, they came into middle class!

  15. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    CHP bu kadar felâket bir Cumhurbaşkanı adayını kendisi seçmiş olamaz. Birileri dayatmıştır. 2 neden görüyorum: 1) CHP içindeki solcuları PKKye yöneltmek ve böylece PKKyi meclise sokmak, 2) CHP içindeki orta yolcuları Fetoya yöneltmek ve böylece Fetoyu meclise sokmak.

  16. 21 giu

    They're fluent in english & pretend to be 'activists' sucking in 'leftists' with their bullshit! Terrorists!

  17. 21 giu
  18. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    After this tax cut goes through, any journalists/commentator who ever again says the LNP cares about budget management should be shot out of a cannon into the sun.

  19. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Turkey's presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin: "Turkey is the only country that is able to [work with the Russians & Iranians on one hand and the Americans on the other], two different sets of countries in Syria – while taking care of the refugees."

  20. 21 giu
  21. 21 giu

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