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  2. Jun 17

    may not be playing the World Cup but our beautiful flag is in Russia

  3. Jun 19

    Bosaso, a fine place to breath in at your next vocation. Welcome to Somalia

  4. Jun 18

    A sunflower farm outside the South West State administrative capital . 📷

  5. Jun 20

    Photo of the week. Young girls graduated from University in

  6. Jun 16

    Somali journalists should ask this question president Farmaajo and PM Abiye Ahmed. Would Ethiopia ever allow troops on their soil? If the answer is NO then we are not brothers but enemies faking their friendship. Let’s pray for Somali leaders. This is headache.

  7. Jun 21

    Nothing would be like home . Home is everything . 🙏❤️

  8. Jun 18

    Things that I don’t understand: Dr. Abiye went Egypt 🇪🇬 and came back he didn’t said we are one nation. He went Sudan he didn’t said we are one nation. He went Kenya he didn’t said we are one nation. He went Uganda he didn’t said we are one nation. Why is unique?

  9. Jun 20

    Breaking: Federal Government of Somalia rejects proposal to renew the Special Arrangement for Somaliland citing grievances by other Federal members states on unfair/special treatment of r/states and regions.

  10. Jun 22

    Humanitarian and development aid is for humanity. as an enemy of humanity wants to cut every link of support that the international community provides to . Still Somalia appeals unity and national harmony for all Somalis! Contradictory, absurd and sad.

  11. Jun 17

    The resource of our region and the talent and capacity of our people can provide abundance for all. The new frontier for the Horn of Africa should be closer regional integration---where people, ideas, goods and products move freely across borders.  

  12. 10 hours ago

    If Puntland is able to hit several Somaliland bases and police stations in 1 night, and free some of their captured has Al Shabaab not been able (or willing) to hit Somaliland? Think about it.

  13. Jun 21
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  14. Jun 20

    never had a government so committed to building every branch and every institutions of the government. From military to Somali Bank to political parties to the justice department. WE SHOULD FULLY SUPPORT OUR GOVERNMENT TODAY SO WE CAN PROSPER TOMORROW. INSHA'ALLAH

  15. Jun 23

    This is 😍 I'll be at this beautiful city in the summer! Cannot wait to see all the great youth! Details coming soon!

  16. Jun 18

    1. Ethiopia pledges to invest $80 million in port then Somalia cries treachery. 2. Ethiopia pledges to invest in four seaports in then all Somalia keeps quiet. that is the reality of Somalia enmity towards Somaliland people.

  17. Jun 19

    Very glad to have such a beautiful land. Lower Jubba region.

  18. Jun 20

    The sad but honest reality is is like a group of people inside a car careening toward a cliff and is about to go off.And instead of saving themselves their only concern is if is in the car with them. One in some sense has to be in awe of this morbid obsession

  19. Jun 21

    The goodness of my country is not finished

  20. Jun 23

    Things r positively n genuinely changing in and the HoA - don’t be stuck with the old mindset. The Federal Government of Somalia is nt a passive partner in decision making in Somalia. We appreciate support but the decisions rest with us on behalf of the Somalis,nt others

  21. Jun 18

    submitted the reply in the maritime delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia vs Kenya) case today at the Hague on time. Somalia Agent: Ambassador Ali Faqi made the submission on behalf of Somalia. I was present at the submission.

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