Arthur Benjamin 


A humanitarian Worker, seeking to promote Social Development based on the right to life with dignity for all mankind.

Iscritto a aprile 2011


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  1. 15 ore fa

    OPPOSITION Alliance for People’s Agenda (APA) presidential candidate Nkosana Moyo has pledged a governance paradigm shift, where prospective Cabinet ministers would have to apply and be considered on merit unlike...

  2. 22 giu

    The loss of a partner is devastating. For many women, that loss is magnified by the struggle for basic needs, their human rights & dignity. Some stories of widowhood:

  3. 22 giu

    Is Messi part of the ? He definitely needs the beard oil.

  4. 21 giu

    "To those who complain that refugee camps are a burden on the host country, the answer is clear: let the refugees out of the camps, and let them work."

  5. 20 giu
  6. 20 giu

    This , ’s shares why standing means listening to them – their voices, perspectives, and solutions.

  7. 20 giu

    Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar and Congolese refugees fleeing accounted for the largest numbers of new in camps in 2017. The EU is helping:

    , , e altri 7
  8. 20 giu

    85% of the world's are hosted in developing countries. Watch to find out more on ⬇️

  9. 20 giu

    Today 20 June on which is also is set to hold open session, below is a link to ⁦ analysis for details on the theme of the session, issues to be addressed and expected outcomes

  10. 20 giu

    Advocate Frank Ntwali says refugees flee surrounding countries to South Africa because it is one of the only countries where all people have freedom of speech

  11. 20 giu

    Today, 20 June is World Refugee Day. In 2017, forced displacement figures reached 68.5 million people: higher than the population of the United Kingdom. Message from : . Cc

  12. 19 giu

    Every person has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge, having fled violence, persecution, war or disaster at home.

  13. 20 giu

    1 person every 2 seconds became a refugee in 2017! Please join us in standing in solidarity this

  14. 20 giu

    UNHCR sets up a transit center in Tripoli which can accommodate about 1000 percent to help resettlement from Libya and Niger.

  15. 20 giu

    Which country hosts the most refugees? 🌍 🌏 🌎 Hint: 85% of refugees are in the developing world.

  16. 19 giu

    More people than ever are uprooted from their homes by war and violence. More than ever, solidarity is needed to offer them refuge and hope.

  17. 18 giu

    2 Days from and we are close to reaching 2 million signatures ! Pls Sign and RT ! !

  18. 19 giu
  19. 18 giu

    We need to rethink our approach to peace. Quite simply, we need more — not less — mediation and prevention. Women’s role is critical. Today I met with my Advisory Board on Mediation in Finland to discuss the way forward.

  20. 18 giu

    Amazing header from the incredible . Congratulations England.


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