UN Sustainable Development Group


United Nations Sustainable Development Group. Bringing together development system to deliver on sustainable development

Iscritto a settembre 2012


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  1. Tweet fissato
    22 giu

    Caring is Sharing: Towards care services in FYR

    , , e altri 3
  2. 19 giu

    Fascinating mapping of & change agents across the system - many more than you'd expect but big gaps in innovation cultures & capabilities, with lead agencies shifting focus on impact of analytics, mobile, and .

  3. 11 giu

    Financing the requires breaking bottlenecks to invest in innovative and sustainable approaches. Country Teams in Armenia, Kenya, Colombia and Indonesia have done just that. Find out how! New report w/ :

  4. 11 giu

    Timely dialogue on unlocking SDG financing and country examples including what needs to change – presso United Nations

  5. 6 giu

    Revisioning : An appeal for ‘this way of working’

    , , e altri 5
  6. 31 mag

    The reforms adopted by all countries allows the to be more efficient & responsive in helping countries achieve the . In a constantly changing world, we must adapt to better serve all people, everywhere. The clock is ticking, we have no time to waste – presso United Nations

  7. 28 mag
    In risposta a , e
  8. 11 mag

    Data Privacy, Ethics & Protection. Nine principles to guide the UN system in using big data to achieve the 2030 Agenda:

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  9. 16 mag

    Only 15% of indicators are produced by the statistical system in . Here is how we are helping:

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  10. 10 mag

    For the first time, there are equal numbers of women and men nominated as UN Resident Coordinators – our leaders on the ground. Gender parity is essential to the effectiveness of our work, and to end power imbalances that contribute to sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse.

  11. 3 mag
    , , e altri 7
  12. 2 mag

    Our collective efforts and resolve will ensure we boldly reposition the development system to deliver with greater impact on the . Thanks to the Heads of the over 40 Agencies, Funds and Programs who constitute the renewed . – presso International Maritime Organisation

  13. 24 apr

    There is no way around it: Traditional development aid is simply no longer enough. Is the and financing in a make our break moment? by Foundation

    , , e altri 6
  14. 23 apr

    Delighted to announce an Ireland contribution of €500,000 at the launch of the new Joint Fund for the !

  15. 23 apr

    “It is of outmost importance to support the SGs reform efforts. Sweden is committed & intends to contribute approximately 20M USD to the joint fund for .” State Secretary at

    , , e altri 4
  16. 23 apr

    Tremendous to have the generous support today from to the new Joint Fund for the ! Learn more at

    , , e altri 3
  17. 23 apr

    Thanks for your pledge of $30 million to the Joint Fund for the #2030 Agenda! Follow the live event

  18. 23 apr

    Grateful to for their contribution of $20 million to help finance the through the Joint Fund. Follow the launch event

  19. 23 apr

    "To be more effective we need to come together to support governments access the finance needed for the - this is the goal of the Joint Fund"

  20. 23 apr

    Happening now! announcing the Joint Fund for the #2030 Agenda. Join us

    , , e altri 7

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