UoPeopleAccount verificato


University of the People is the Education Revolution. It is the world's first non-profit, tuition-free, American accredited, online university.

Iscritto a maggio 2009


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  1. 5 ore fa
  2. 10 ore fa


  3. 21 ore fa

    Considering an MBA? Check out the lucrative career opportunities and salaries that’ll transform your life. Yes, you too can be a business leader.

  4. 21 ore fa

    By opening the gates of higher education for every qualified person, regardless of financial, geographic, political, cultural or personal constraints, the promise of a better future is made possible for individuals and communities everywhere. RT if you agree

  5. 22 giu

    Strategic thinking feels like a vague, ungraspable buzzword business-types throw out to sound important. The truth: it’s literally child’s play. - How to be a strategic thinker

  6. 21 giu

    Today, the student debt crisis reached $1,549,747,674,455

  7. 21 giu

    "I was only paying enough to keep the interest at bay. It cost me $750 a month just to make sure my balance wouldn’t increase."

  8. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Globally, 230 million adolescents are unable to read & do math at minimum proficiency levels – 60% of them are already IN school. v/ is not just about getting through school. Learning is what counts. Investing in education is a priority NOW.

  9. 20 giu

    "Thank you UoPeople for giving the opportunity of accessing higher education anywhere in the world. Let's promote this mission together." - Anilla Musaf, Country of Origin: Pakistan, Country of Residence: Italy - Computer Science

  10. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Thank you for making education for the refugees a reality. I am glad I am a part of this education revolution. Celebrating Longlife learning.

  11. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    The right to education of refugees is specifically guaranteed by the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which states that refugees should have the same treatment as nationals with respect to elementary education

  12. 20 giu

    On learn how our online, affordable and accessible higher education model helps refugees move from surviving to thriving

  13. 20 giu

    Today on and everyday, we stand with 🙌UoPeople is dedicated to providing refugees & asyulm seekers w/ accessible, affordable higher education and a chance at a better life

  14. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    16.2 million people were newly driven from their homes in 2017. 44,400 each day. 1 every 2 seconds. Please join me in standing in solidarity this . ’s new report about displaced people in 2017 →

  15. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Today is . Today we stand with refugees and resolve to help fight the barriers they face rebuilding their lives. And louder than ever, we say 'we welcome refugees' - like these amazing children .

  16. ha ritwittato

    44,400 people were forced to flee their homes every day in 2017 25.4 million people are refugees 52% of them are children The UK is working around the world to support those who have been forced from their homes. Retweet if you stand

  17. ha ritwittato
    15 giu
  18. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
  19. 19 giu

    Omar is 23 years old, and is currently studying toward a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Omar’s story is inspirational, and filled with hope.

  20. 19 giu

    "As an interpreter, I help my people voice their difficulties and their experiences. I feel I can give back to my own people." - Shwe, UoPeople student


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