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  2. Jun 23

    Katie Arrington survived an assassination attempt. The assassin is dead.

  3. Jun 22

    Wouldn't it be AMAZING if was actually and she's been playing dumb all along.

  4. Jun 23

    1. Ana Navarro's laugh on CNN 2. Donny Deutsch 3. Tom Arnold calling Americans Nazi. 4. Pope Francis urging Europe to take in more refugees while surrounded by his Vatican Wall. 5. Peter Fonda. Not a day goes by without a few more screws coming loose. !

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  5. Jun 22

    Anyone hear more about bill in Congress by Rep Black of TN to crowd fund border wall. I would be HAPPY to donate! Let's go around do-nothing Dems and Rhinos in Congress...we can get reimbursed from Mexico later. WE NEED THE WALL NOW!!!

  6. Jun 23

    Thank you for being the bigger person & handling an UGLY ATTACK with such grace! I wouldn't trust food prepared with their HATE anyway! I will never be eating at again! True patriots love you !

  7. Jun 23

    Do we have the Best Press Sec or what? Everyday she takes many daggers in the back from the FakeNews. Show her some love. Like Retweet and Follow her

  8. 23 hours ago

    This is the Executive Order that started it, and why DNC is tilting and fighting back so hard. Why? Because they have fed on this vile business for decades.

  9. Jun 22

    Trafficking it real! Time Magazine used a false photo to manipulate emotions. Then, when called out, claimed the moral high ground was more important than facts.

  10. Jun 22

    I keep reading about how powerful the Deep State is or something. All I know is this. 1. The deep state is in pretty deep shit. 2. The deep state is getting rammed pretty deep. It's Pedophiles v/s God. What would you expect? Let's wrap this up, ladies and gentlemen.

  11. Jun 23

    What a good article. The movement is finally gaining traction. Great Redpill for normies.

  12. Jun 23

    Bold statement for a man who is about to go down for a series of crimes, including treason, once the full story comes out.

  13. Jun 22

    How many Cabal members does it take to change a light bulb? 💡 None. They love the dark.

  14. Wha wha....they have seen my tweets for months...Ha! ...

  15. 12 hours ago

    So had no trace of narcotics,no trace of any toxic products ,no trace of alcohol and no trace of medicines according to the prosecutor Christian de rocquigny but he did have two tweets saying he was going to expose Hillary Clinton

  16. Jun 22

    ‼️ATTENTION COLLECTIVE CRAZIES‼️: All those raining down onto everyone over the last 20+ yrs must have given damn-near the ENTIRE FRIGGIN’ COUNTRY amnesia...🤦🏻‍♂️

  17. 18 hours ago

    In honor of Sarah, the newest member of the political out-class.

  18. 14 hours ago

    Remember when Bill Clinton got expelled for rape

  19. 12 hours ago

    The more I learn, the more I believe this was a publicity stunt. She saw a chance to get her name & restaurant in the news while impressing her cousin. has more morals in her little finger she has in her entire hateful heart.

  20. 4 hours ago

    .. If only we had a Republican AG who could bring indictments!!! .. RT : Nailing it for Dummies

  21. Jun 22

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