CofE General SynodAccount verificato


This is the official Twitter account for the Church of England's () General Synod.

Iscritto a novembre 2013


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  1. Tweet fissato
    10 feb

    is prorogued.

  2. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Recommendations for England’s Cathedrals met with support ahead of July debate. Read more online:

  3. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    New links between Church of England and black-majority churches under plans for final review next month:

  4. 10 feb

    Try this link:

  5. 10 feb

    General Synod gives unanimous backing to a call for people with Down’s Syndrome to be welcomed, celebrated and treated with dignity and respect.

  6. ha ritwittato
    10 feb

    What progress has the Church made with evangelism? Find out more about the first year of the Digital Communications team’s work and watch the presentation here:

  7. 10 feb

    The results for the motion to value people with Down's Syndrome: For - 284 Against - 0 Abstention - 0

  8. 10 feb

    Bishop of Carlisle sums up before moving to vote: thanks to everyone for a sensitive debate especially those who have spoken from personal experience.

  9. 10 feb

    Tim Goode (Southwark) was in and out of hospital with invasive orthopaedic surgery throughout childhood. Might that story be followed by the option of termination? 'My story includes the opportunity my condition offers me, like music, building community and interdependent life.'

  10. 10 feb

    Caroline Herbert (Norwich) would have liked to have heard from someone with DS in this debate. This is about more than just welcome, it's about inclusion. Please think about what people with DS bring to your church congregations and how to include them fully.

  11. 10 feb

    Tiff Robinson (St Eds and Ips) speaks as a parent of a child with autism. It's not the same, but there are sometimes similarities. He can understand why parents might think they can't cope - but no one is prepared! That's no reason not to bring these children into the world.

  12. 10 feb

    Bishop of Ely says people who understand and recognise their interdependence on others (like people with DS) are more fully alive.

  13. 10 feb

    Vote: Item 32 falls. Now are back to debating the main motion, including John Appleby's amendment.

  14. 10 feb

    Bishop of Peterborough: This isn't the best way of speaking to our partner churches - they will be made fully aware of what we're saying.

  15. 10 feb

    . it's important to work with other churches on this and I will discuss this with other primates soon.

  16. 10 feb

    Bishop of Carlisle: we want to open dialogue with churches in Denmark and Iceland but we need a clear motion to put to government and other bodies so would prefer not to complicate matters -- asks Synod to reject the amendment

  17. 10 feb

    Prudence Dailey (Oxford) speaking on her amendment. She's speaking about the DS-free future of Iceland and Denmark. Both insist mothers aren't coerced, but she feels medical professionals are practising eugenics. This encourages churches there to uphold value of people with DS.

  18. 10 feb

    Vote: Amendment, item 31, passed.

  19. 10 feb

    Sue Adeney (Worcester) speaks about her pregnancy. She was told she had a high risk of the baby having DS. Her husband is a GP, but he felt no control with the hospital pushing them to take the test. "It was as if they were programmed for that route only." Baby born without DS.

  20. 10 feb

    Bishop of Carlisle: we have no problem with item 31 amendment which expands the definition of what comprehensive, unbiased information is.


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