House of LordsAccount verificato


News & information from the UK Parliament’s second chamber. Produced by its staff to show how the Lords checks and challenges the UK government.

London, United Kingdom
Iscritto a agosto 2011


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  1. Tweet fissato
    21 giu
  2. 10 ore fa

    Next week debates rpt, Cmttee continues internet regulation investigation plus further check of . See what’s on

  3. 11 ore fa

    debates contribution of reserves to national security, catch up

  4. ha ritwittato
    16 ore fa

    We’ve been hearing from industry, researchers and regulators about what means for plant and animal . Here’s what they had to say:

  5. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa

    EU Committee member yesterday joined reps of devolved legislatures at the 4th meeting of the Interparliamentary Forum on , agreeing this statement:

  6. 15 ore fa
  7. 17 ore fa

    Next week debates rpt, continues check & more. Keep track & sign up to our weekly newsletter, out today

  8. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    : We spoke to the new Govt Chief Scientist Patrick Vallance earlier this week. Catch up here:

  9. 21 giu

    New 2010 Cmttee examines effectiveness of and wants your views - by 31 July

  10. 21 giu

    Watch as members quiz govt following statement on awarding of Defence Fire and Rescue Project contract to

  11. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Home Secretary describes govt’s aim to protect rights of EU citizens resident in the UK

  12. 21 giu

    Watch live: debates failure to reach agreement at Canada and implications for UK

  13. 21 giu

    hears from govt now on EU settlement scheme, members’ questions follow. Watch live

  14. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Watch live: asks Home Secretary about citizens’ rights after :

  15. 21 giu

    presses govt on advice from panel of clinicians to ministers on cannabis-based medicines as ends

  16. 21 giu

    Has govt made assessment of benefits of yoga for obese school children? Watch live

  17. 21 giu

    in spotlight: what support has govt given to organisers of in Istanbul? Watch live Q&A

  18. 21 giu

    begin: members quiz govt on plans to introduce annual celebration of arrival on 22 June 1948, watch live

  19. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Watch live: EU Committee talks : start-ups and scale-ups with , and :

  20. 21 giu

    Coming up: reserves in the spotlight as debates contribution to national security. Read more


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