BAME Labour


Empowering Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority members within to be active political agents campaigning for equality, representation and tolerance.

Iscritto a novembre 2013


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  1. 14 giu

    Out on Polling Day in Lewisham East for the fab

  2. 3 mag

    Good luck to all of you candidates, activists and party staff. Make sure you vote and if you already have, get your friends and family to vote too!

  3. 16 apr

    The treatment of the Windrush generation, people who have provided so much for this country is abhorrent and should be changed. Please sign this petition:

  4. ha ritwittato
    13 apr

    The Windrush Generation would like to thank the 70k supporters who believe that their children are British Citizens.30k more signatures to have a debate in Parliament .Shame on the BBC for broadcasting Rivers of Blood we are hurting

  5. 7 apr

    Petition: Amnesty for anyone who was a minor that arrived In Britain between 1948 to 1971

  6. 30 mar

    And to all those celebrating , best wishes and hope you have a well rested weekend with friends and family.

  7. 30 mar

    To all of our Jewish friends and family in the UK and abroad, Chag Pesach Sameach!!

  8. 26 mar

    Labour has a long and proud history of opposing racism. We oppose antisemitism wherever it may be found and commit to supporting the work of JLM in ridding our Party of it.

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  9. 26 mar

    The members of BAME Labour are sadly all too familiar with the effects of racism. That’s why, today, we will stand in solidarity in Parliament Square with the Jewish community and Jewish Labour Movement against antisemitism within the Labour Party.

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  10. ha ritwittato
    21 mar

    Today I'm marking the UN Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This year's theme is promoting tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity. will take action, as the party of equality, to tackle all forms of racism.

  11. ha ritwittato
    21 mar

    We will be out campaigning for some fantastic BAME candidates in Bradford on 29th April. Join us!🌹👇

    , , e altri 6
  12. ha ritwittato
    20 mar

    Our joint statement with on recent incidents of racism on campus. Solidarity to all those affected. We know the fight against racism on campus is far from over and we pledge to fight it with you ✊🌹

  13. ha ritwittato
    14 mar

    Black students share their experiences of racism after a video of racist chants in university halls went viral

  14. ha ritwittato
    20 mar

    Solidarity with everyone who experiences racism in our universities - it's vile and absolutely unacceptable. There's no absolutely place for racism in the UK, let alone on our university campuses. Action is desperately needed - check out the video below.

  15. ha ritwittato
    20 mar

    From Exeter to Nottingham, we're seeing more and more incidents of racism on our campuses. Universities need to cut the lip service and take robust action, saying we have a 'zero tolerance towards racism is not good enough', we want action now!

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  16. 20 mar

    If any BAME Labour students or parents are worried about their children’s safety please get in touch with or

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  17. 20 mar

    We are happy that university establishments involved have started investigations, however more needs to be done to prevent behaviour like this from being repeated. We hope harsh punishments will be handed to those involved and the victims compensated for the distressing ordeal.

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  18. 20 mar

    BAME Labour condemns the racist incidents that have taken place inside UK universities against black students over the last week. This should not be happening in our universities.

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  19. ha ritwittato
    12 mar

    It’s time to act on hate speech. Watch, retweet and help .

  20. 1 mar

    Purim Sameach to all our Jewish friends and family!


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