UK Young Ambassadors


A global voice for young people. Managed by .

Joined April 2010


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  1. Jun 20

    What's your ? 🤔 We're wondering - 2 years on from the divisive , are the biggest gaps caused by the outcome of the referendum still present? What do YOU think? Join us for our next hearing where we discuss just that 👉

    , , and 6 others
  2. Jun 20

    We’re happy to be hosting the coalition meeting this morning. On the agenda: 🔹Erasmus proposal 2021-2027 🔹 campaign

    , , and 4 others
  3. Jun 18

    I <3 BYC because they manage to engage so many communities and run so many projects every year despite all the challenges they face. BYC and its unsung heroes have truly helped to shape who I am today and I'll always be grateful for that

  4. Jun 18

    I❤️ because it gives hope to young people that they have the power to change society!

  5. Jun 15

    Applications to join the British Youth Council's Board of Trustees are now open. Find out more information:

  6. Jun 18

    🌏✈“Erasmus built my confidence, gave me time to reflect on my learning & allowed me to learn how to use new digital tools". How can help more adult learners? Find out why we need 10x more funding for + 💰👉

  7. Jun 18

    "Our future is as bring as we get to make it" - Starting with an inspiring poem

  8. Jun 18
  9. Jun 18

    Small Charity Week begins today! Help us spread the word.

  10. Jun 14
  11. Jun 13

    If you are up for a challenge and willing to dedicate yourself to helping other people, then join the European Solidarity Corps today! ►

  12. Jun 12

    UKYA Bronagh is at Europe House in London today to speak on a panel about the impact of Brexit on Youth Mobility in Europe!

  13. Jun 10

    The blog I wrote from the Commonwealth Youth Forum is up, have a look to find out what the UK Delegacy got up to, it was a honour to go as a member, and an experience I won’t forget

  14. May 29

    Register now and have your say at the international conference "Future Europe Future You" for young people together with policy makers. Key themes ► & , , , and 18 JUNE | EUROPE HOUSE | LONDON + info:

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  15. May 30

    Passionate about work experiences? Tell the Committee about your experiences:

  16. May 31

    What are some of the ways an year abroad can make you more ? Read these 5 reasons to get inspired:

  17. Jun 4

    Free Interrail Tickets for 18 year olds, as part of the initiative. Check out more on the link:

  18. Jun 2

    . to the EYE2018 participants: "It is a gift to us to have you here today. Your motivation, your energy and wish to make a better Europe"

  19. Jun 2

    At the official closing of the !! Look how beautiful, young and diverse the is! 😍

  20. Jun 2

    A genuine pleasure representing at - rigorous but polite debates, intense but thoughtful questioning of MEPs - as per the youth of today showing everyone how it’s done 👊✊

    , , and 2 others

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