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Washington Bureau
Iscritto a aprile 2008


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  1. 15 minuti fa

    North Korea is expected to hand over the remains — believed to belong to some 200 to 250 American servicemen — following President Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un

  2. 31 minuti fa

    Five years ago, the Supreme Court invalidated one of the requirements in the Voting Rights Act. Since then, it's become harder to vote in Alabama.

  3. 57 minuti fa

    As some officials supported the seizing of children from their migrant parents under orders from the White House, others shed tears and went home wracked with guilt

  4. 1 ora fa

    "It’s just incredible what the nation is trying to do to disrupt this president and his agenda,” said one Trump supporter.

  5. 2 ore fa

    Does the United States need a space force? Some legislators and aerospace experts, citing growing threats from Russia and China, say a case could be made for one.

  6. 2 ore fa

    Katie Arrington, who defeated Representative Mark Sanford in South Carolina’s Republican primary, was seriously hurt in a car crash

  7. 3 ore fa

    The Supreme Court issued a major decision on digital privacy, ruling the government generally needs a warrant to collect cellphone location data.

  8. 3 ore fa

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant over her work with the Trump administration

  9. 3 ore fa

    The administration has no clear plan to reunite migrant families, which is sure to carry a psychological price for migrant parents and more than 2,300 children separated from them at the border

  10. 3 ore fa

    Jared Kushner Criticizes Abbas, Questioning His Ability to Make Peace

  11. 4 ore fa

    An analysis: For now, companies have options to avoid some of the most severe risks from the trade dispute with China. But the longer the trade dispute lasts, the more products will get pulled into it.

  12. 11 ore fa

    Elizabeth Warren Condemned Trump in Reno. He Answered in Las Vegas With a Slur.

  13. 12 ore fa

    Does the United States need a space force? Some legislators and aerospace experts, citing growing threats from Russia and China, say a case could be made for one.

  14. 12 ore fa

    An analysis: For now, companies have options to avoid some of the most severe risks from the trade dispute with China. But the longer the trade dispute lasts, the more products will get pulled into it.

  15. 13 ore fa

    Many families are making the calculation that even separation or detention in the United States is better than the situation at home

  16. 14 ore fa

    How an alleged heist from a U.S. chip maker illustrates rising trade tensions between Washington and Beijing

  17. 14 ore fa

    Trump Appeals to Republicans in Las Vegas, Leaving Behind Washington’s Legislative Chaos

  18. 14 ore fa

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant over her work with the Trump administration

  19. 14 ore fa

    Many families are making the calculation that even separation or detention in the United States is better than the situation at home

  20. 15 ore fa

    "It makes me angry at them, which causes me to want to defend him more." Among his supporters, President Trump is benefiting from constant political attacks and media coverage


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