Rishi Bagree  


An ordinary Tax paying citizen.

India , Kolkata
Iscritto a maggio 2010


Hai bloccato @rishibagree

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  1. Tweet fissato
    29 apr

    That moment when you finally meet your favorite Leader in person , and he is as awesome as you imagined .

  2. 51 minuti fa

    Irony is, a 12 year young boy winning Chess Grand Master while a 48 year old "Youth" peddling Fake news on Twitter everyday ...

  3. 3 ore fa

    With Due respect, Difficult to believe your "I do not know what happened in my absence" stance. An honest officer was hounded for doing his job honestly. A person with lot of discrepancies was issued Passport bypassing several protocols. Your silence on entire saga was baffling

  4. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    Default setting doesn't mean that one can't change it with a remote. Don't we change NDTV immediately if we switch on tv and find it on screen?

  5. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Journalist complains to on spreading Islamophobia (2018)

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  6. ha ritwittato
    12 ore fa

    Don't forget Justice Chelameswar judgment letting off Navjot Singh Sidhu with a 1,000 rupee fine ... Not surprised none of his fans asked him to justify that.

  7. ha ritwittato
    22 ore fa

    In India Judges behave like politicians, media behaves like judges, journalists like trolls, and trolls are fact checkers.

  8. ha ritwittato

    Refusal by Islamabad to allow Indian High Commissioner Ajay Bisaria to enter Gurdwara Panja Sahib shows the lows to which Pak can stoop in its anti-India campaign. It was a religious place not a military institution. Urge to give befitting reply.

  9. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa
    In risposta a

    With due respect sir, The default setting will be set anything between "24-26 degree " and doesn't mean that AC will only operate at that particular range. I have read this from multiple sources. But you tweeted as if Govt will only allow Ac to run only at 24-26 degree range

  10. 8 ore fa

    Very disappointing to see how journalists behave these days When u purchase a new AC ,Default setting in AC comes with 16 degree Celsius Govt wants this default setting to be 24 degree Celsius to save electricity You can obviously increase & decrease the temperature with remote

  11. 9 ore fa

    Modi - Lets do Opposition - We will thwart your communal agenda and make sure no city stays cleans

  12. ha ritwittato
    11 mag

    My my! So many women in the hyper-feminist AIB team. Equality much?

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  13. 21 ore fa
  14. ha ritwittato
    5 mar

    CNN says the rise of populism is "destabilizing" Europe. No. The rise of populism came as a result of globalists destabilizing Europe by opening the floodgates to millions of people from a totally different culture. Populism is the antidote to reckless open border insanity.

  15. 24 ore fa

    So according to ,who is posing as international trade expert these days, Reduction of stent prices which constitutes just 0.0001% of US exports irked President Trump and provoked him to levy tariffs on all the nations

  16. 24 ore fa

    This is the power of Social Media Lucknow passport officer Vikas Mishra's transfer cancelled. Called back to Lucknow. Thank you PM for listening to us

  17. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    The Time Cover story deepens. Not only was the mother of the crying girl never separated from her daughter, she was also deported in 2013. Making her second crossing felony re-entry to the United States

  18. 23 giu

    Better sense prevailed in MEA After many media & social Media questioned the hasty issuance of Passport to Tanvi seth aka Sadia Anas .. The passport department will do a proper checkup and may cancel the passport if they found any discrepancies

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  19. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    .’s Fake News Factory manufactures a new lie. Rs 200 crore has been allotted for the Hospital & DPR has been submitted, but when has Rahul ever bothered about facts! After all kinds of scams, interesting to see a new scam in the form of fund-raising.

  20. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    सैफ़ुद्दीन सोज़ और ग़ुलाम नबी आज़ाद की तरह मैं भी कश्मीर की आज़ादी चाहता हूं, बस फ़र्क ये है कि वो कश्मीर की आज़ादी भारत से चाहते हैं और मैं पाकिस्तान से.


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