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  1. 1h
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    German TV polls after election debate say Merkel was more credible and likeable but Schulz seemed "closer to the people"

  3. 2h
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    Bottom line: needed to win big tonight and failed.

  6. 3h
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    Merkel addresses terrorism, saying people should not have to get used to living with it

  10. 3h

    The US defense secretary says the response to an attack from North Korea will be “effective and overwhelming”

  11. 4h
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  12. 4h
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  13. Retweeted

    Looking for a live blog in English on the big Merkel-Schulz German election campaign debate? Bitte sehr!

  14. 4h
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  18. 5h
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    Here are the topics on the table for the Merkel-Schulz debate, which will start soon

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