Angel Li


Melbourne, Australia
Iscritto a giugno 2009


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  1. 22 giu

    Paula you gave me so much joy and happiness as a child THANK YOU Ps. I still know all the words and your albums remain my favourite

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  2. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    No immigrant has taken a job from a "real american". You were laid off by a capitalist who took advantage of that immigrant to increase his profits, and nothing makes him happier than to hear that you're a fucking idiot who's actually mad at the immigrant and not him.

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  3. ha ritwittato
    27 mag

    It's absurd that journalists quibble over "lies" while Trump openly admits he is at war with the truth. As he explained attacking the press to Leslie Stahl: "I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you."

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  4. 4 mar

    Harry Potter is only 3 years younger than me, he has 3 kids and a job and there is so much I want to know. I want to live my life with Harry Potter, not just his past. There is so much sadness in me knowing that’ll never be

  5. ha ritwittato
    4 mar

    Today marks the 100th day President Hillary Clinton has spent at a private spa since her presidency began 400 days ago.

  6. ha ritwittato
    16 feb


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  7. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    CONCLUSION/ *No one* in the intel community confirms your claim—or Pence's—that the election results weren't affected by Russia. And we already *know* from macroanalysis that your hijinks with Giuliani to coerce Comey into re-opening Clinton's case *did* affect the results. {end}

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  8. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    20/ It will be found—as it's the only theory of the case consistent with the facts—that it was your statement to Russian nationals that you'd run for president in 2016 that was the proximate cause of their decision to wage a massive cyber-campaign explicitly directed to aid you.

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  9. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    19/ Neither Bob Mueller nor major-media journalists like Luke Harding are tracing your involvement with the Russians as beginning in 2015—when you announced your presidential run. They are seeing evidence that in 2013—and even before—you had let Russia know your political plans.

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  10. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    18/ It's fortunate you only watch Fox News—as from watching that media outlet you would've had no idea that these events have been traced by both major media *and* independent journalists. And it's from within that ignorance that you claim Russia's 2014 actions are exculpatory.

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  11. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    17/ All this is just the "Cliffs Notes" version of a mountain of documentary evidence suggesting the Russians knew you were running for president well before Americans formally did—and that they began their operations in 2014 fully aware that by mid-2015 you would announce a run.

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  12. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    16/ Rykov's specific boast—which included facts that would later end up in the dossier, but which he couldn't have known at the time unless he had access to classified U.S. intelligence—was that the plan to aid you in becoming president began, in Russia, sometime in 2011 or 2012.

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  13. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    15/ Fortunately, there's no evidence Rykov and Klyushin worked together to help elect you. Actually, let's scratch that—as before the Buzzfeed dossier ever came into the public sphere, Rykov bragged publicly, on social media, that he and Klyushin worked together to elect you.

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  14. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    14/ Mind you, this is separate from Schiller confirming that a Russian in your Moscow entourage offered you prostitutes. And hey, guess what? Artem Klyushin—a Russian in your entourage—had a best friend named Konstantin Rykov. What does Rykov do? He runs Moscow's largest brothel.

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  15. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    13/ Indeed, Aras Agalarov publicly announced in February of *2017* (not a typo)—via a major Russian construction website—that the letter-of-intent you signed with him in November 2013 became inactive only *after* you ascended to the presidency, as you now "couldn't do any deals."

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  16. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    12/ All this is *confirmable* by your tweets; the social media accounts of your Russian entourage; public statements by your own entourage; interviews given by you and others to major media; and statements you made privately to your friends at the time. There are pictures galore.

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  17. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    11/ Within a matter of *weeks* the Russian operation had started up. You, Don and Ivanka remained in regular telephonic and in-person contact with your new business partners—the Agalarovs, Putin's developers—during early 2014, as the Russian machine began its attack on America.

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  18. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    10/ As Putin was—from a distance—arranging this lucrative deal for you, you were confirming the signals Cohen had already sent far and wide: you would run for president. Yulya Alferova, a member of your Moscow entourage, left your company in Moscow with no doubt about your plans.

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  19. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    9/ The result, according to Emin Agalarov in a Forbes interview, was you signed a letter-of-intent in Moscow in November 2013 for Trump Tower Moscow—using funding from Putin's banker (announced 10 days later), land from Putin's developer, and permit approval from his permits man.

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  20. ha ritwittato
    16 feb

    8/ We know this because Putin sent to your pageant—in his place—his permits man, Vlad Kozhin. He also sent his banker—head of SVB—to host you. And of course Aras Agalarov was and is the Kremlin's real estate developer. So Putin backed out but gave you those three men in return.

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