Caroline Hamilton-A.


I love words, images, complex thoughts, and chocolate. Basically I'm on the lookout for all things sacred.

Iscritto a luglio 2011


Hai bloccato @cj_HA

Vuoi davvero vedere questi Tweet? Procedendo non sbloccherai @cj_HA

  1. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    This isn’t over. Thousands of kids have been ripped from their parents with no plan to reunite them. And now wants to create new detention camps for families. Separating kids is unacceptable – but indefinite imprisonment of families is still cruel & inhumane.

  2. 20 giu

    The Executive Order signed today does NOT solve the problems at the root of family separation. See explanations in the thread.

    Questo Tweet non è disponibile.
  3. 19 giu

    “There comes a time when Americans, Houstonians, Texans must say... this is wrong. ...quite frankly, I think we have been quiet too long.” -

  4. 19 giu

    , can you explain to me (a TX voter) why you are proposing new legislation instead of supporting the ?

    Mostra questa discussione
  5. ha ritwittato
    6 giu

    “Children should never be detained for reasons related to their own or their parents’ migration status. Detention is never in the best interests of the child and always constitutes a child rights violation,”

  6. ha ritwittato
    28 mag

    Some safety reminders as flood waters recede.

  7. ha ritwittato
    26 mag

    Call tel:1-888-351-4024 or (866) 347-2423 and ask: 802-872-6196 TTY for hearing impaired only || TTY para personas con discapacidad auditiva solamente

  8. 26 mag

    Had a great time at the Magic, Music, and Mayhem with tonight! Thanks for the recommendation, ! 🍸❤️♠️👏🏻

  9. ha ritwittato
    24 mag
    In risposta a e

    RT if you agree Paul Ryan should on Parkland #1 HR4240 for Universal Background Checks

  10. ha ritwittato
    24 mar
  11. 24 mar
  12. 24 mar

    Echoing from the buildings of downtown Houston: “Vote Ted out!” Do you hear it, ?

  13. 24 mar
  14. 24 mar

    Marching for: my church in Connecticut, my family in Tucson, my friends in Florida, my colleagues in Las Vegas, my neighbors in Houston. Marching for my country and our future.

  15. ha ritwittato
    24 mar
  16. 24 mar
  17. 24 mar

    Desmond, a 10yo 5th grader @ HTX said his school in Abu Dhabi felt safer and more “normal” than his school in Humble, TX where he has volunteered as a “front line” student in the case of an active shooter.

  18. ha ritwittato
    24 mar

    Meg’s tears stopped as abruptly as they had started. "But I do understand." She felt tired and unexpectedly peaceful. Mrs Which’s voice was grave. “Wwhatt ddoo yyou unndderrsstanndd?” “That it has to be me. It can’t be anyone else."

  19. 9 mar

    My birthday was 3 weeks ago, and Christmas is 9 months away, but certainly there is another occasion for gift giving in between.... right? ?

  20. 7 mar

    TFW you settle for a protein shake from the Hudson News, since options are scarce in the airport, then you discover there is a Chipotle beside your gate. ☹️


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