Che Enow Takang


Life's a fight for freedom.

Iscritto a dicembre 2017


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  1. Tweet fissato
    2 feb

    , I make a solemn call on you. Start preparations for a buffer force in where the has turned into murder ... 1/3

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  2. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa
  3. ha ritwittato
    13 ore fa

    "We now have the capability to destroy , we may not have but be rest assured there will be NO Cameroun as well. We better go our separate ways now." H.E Dr. Samuel Ikome response to Paul Biya Hypocritical Humanitarian Aid.

    , , e altri 5
  4. ha ritwittato
    16 ore fa

    Amnesty International deserves better than this kind of employee.

  5. 24 ore fa

    Pray, , pray. Rise up and defend the , and people of from mass murder by . Rise and fulfil your destiny. has laid in wait for your passion and love of a just and . Welcome to .

  6. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    These are road blocks raised by the remaining &courageous youths of to prevent the continuous invasion and killings within their communities but you can see the results.Stop

  7. 23 giu
  8. 23 giu

    . . . . Amb Barlerin, burning farming villages in . Why don't you instead pay into the . . . appeal for Ambazonia instead? You trust pass ?

  9. 23 giu
  10. 23 giu
  11. 23 giu
  12. 23 giu

    . . . Amb Peter Barlerin, these are the same soldiers attacking people in towns to whom you want to donate US taxpayers money to fund their terror. Foresee a congressional inquiry into conduct.

  13. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Breaking News Reliable information and research has now shown that Ambazonia real boundary ends at Bonabery bridge. This now means that our fight includes Bonabery and we are reclaiming it. Ambalanders in Bonabery, we are coming home. Mark Bareta

  14. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Biya regime plans 2use military games in Texas 2 obtain visas for assassins 2assassinate Indigenes in the US. Do not be part of their . Refuse them visas 2 USA, they are terrorists.

  15. 22 giu
  16. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Southern Cameroons today. This is the war zone they have programed a scam of 12 billion. La Republique soldiers fighting with space. Guerillas are in yhe bush. Ambazonia shall be free. BaretaNews

  17. 22 giu
  18. ha ritwittato
    22 giu
  19. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    The EU appeals to the Government of to grant unimpeded access for the United Nations Human Rights Council as well as other human rights and humanitarian actors. Our statement at :

  20. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Heavens & Earth shall come to pass, Ambazonia will stand. Let's get to with a clean , hitting the ground running. Political consensus is needed Now to guarantee a Free, Stable & Prosperous nation.

  21. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    The Interim Government of Federal Republic of demands the whereabouts of its Pro-Independence leaders abducted in Nigeria, held incommunicado. Today marks 169 days since their disappearance.


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