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  1. 3 ore fa
  2. 10 ore fa

    Today is the Public Service Day! Shout-out to all public servants in Canada and around the world. Thank you for your hard work!

  3. 12 ore fa

    organized reception at the in New York. The event was co-sponsored by six Muslim countries, including Qatar, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, Albania, Jordan and Kyrgyzstan. Among others, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres also attended the event.

  4. 14 ore fa

    . 170 days the Pro-Independence leaders of the Federal Republic of#Ambazonia were abducted in Nigeria. know their whereabouts. Please ask them.

  5. 15 ore fa

    406 terrorists attempted to cross the border from side while 53 terrorists have attempted infiltration in 2018. The completely ignores this fact.

  6. 21 ore fa

     is a global awareness day that takes place annually on 23rd June. The day was launched by the in 2010 to raise awareness of the violation of human rights that widows suffer in many countries following the death of their spouses.

  7. 21 ore fa

    N☝🏼T a “f🌈rce for GO😇D”_ a f👥rce_ for FATkkk☠️t$❗️ detailz the ‘ “mi$$i⛓n” _ in a $ENTENCE _ & THI$ ⚠️IN’T ST✨R TR🚀K©️, T🐶to ‼️

  8. 21 giu

    The ' 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression" violates this Universal Declaration and to arrest anyone who coverage through media its army during its criminal acts.

  9. 20 giu

    Dove sono ? Se non è violazione dei diritti umani, cosa lo è?...c’è tanta merda nel mondo e anche peggio di questa, ma nei civilissimi di è pura vergogna per l’umanità intera

  10. 20 giu

    Day 167 our Pro-Independence leaders were abducted and deported by the Buhari government. They have been held incommunicado in unknown destinations. The Interim Government of the Federal Republic of claims the knows their whereabouts but remains mute.

  11. 20 giu

    Modelling the UN in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife. Starting today!

  12. 19 giu

    For those who are confused and misguided: Withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council after forcibly separating children from their families is not how you "make America great again."

  13. 19 giu

    When the United Nations rights chief says you're abusing children, you stop what you're doing immediately. You don't continue what you're doing and then withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council.

  14. 18 giu

    The the civilized world must come to the aid of the Ambazonians, why the international community kept mute over the ethnic cleansing going on now unabated in Ambazonia, what a wicked # , African lives means nothing

  15. 17 giu

    Here are people protesting today outside the proposed location of a baby jail in Houston for separated children.

  16. 17 giu

    Husband and wife blinded and then shot dead by La République du Cameroun forces.

  17. 16 giu

    A dog is more protected by Animal rights than a -is by

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