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  1. Jul 3

    So, that looks like so much fun. Nice ad campaign. Really effective...

  2. People View all

  3. Jul 2
  4. Jul 2
  5. 4 minutes ago

    We must unite to navigate the storm. unite, put aside differences. THE CANNOT PREVAIL.

  6. Jul 1

    *Baker refuses to bake cake for gay couple because of his religion* Dems: *OUTRAGED* *Makeup artist refuses to do my makeup because of my twitter account* Dems: "Omg PREACH yes stand up to her and her NAZI beliefs!" I love double standards. So democratic.

  7. 18 hours ago
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    Yeah and allow them to come into this country LEGALLY!!! Not by breaking the law, not paying taxes, committing violent crimes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? The law should apply to ALL immigrants. If they break it. Send them back!

  8. caring about the rights of others 💜 empathy 💜 social justice 💜 this is the next evolution of human. we are called and we are just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.

  9. 23 hours ago

    Thank you grassroots activists for being so awesome. You energize this fight. Take your voter registration cards clipboard with you to parties! Yes, I will too! Enjoy the sunny day!

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  10. Jun 30
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    Liberals NEVER march when kids r killed by NEVER march when can’t find work Liberals NEVER march when wreaks on families NEVER march against cities that r full of crime & drugs Yet they MARCH for illegals 🤔

  11. Jun 29

    So proud to see the I was raised a . I never voted as one and I registered as a . are for the people by the people. are all about .

  12. 35 minutes ago
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    I wish the phony cared as much about the many children in every week, like they do migrant children. just google how many children shot in #2018, in chicago. I dare you.

  13. : The Ultimate silence of lobby

  14. Jun 27
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    Bad news for : -, 85 -, 79 The two oldest on the bench are With 6 more years of he has a chance to replace more than half the court with strong

  15. Jul 1
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    's on full display in America... funded groups of radical protested throughout country 4 borders, rights, & more human/drug . Soros funded "Pantifa" rioted to shut down in Seattle.

  16. Jun 29

    No placards, no candle march for the victims of and by pastors in Kerala. Hypocrisy by & is not new; but selective outrage even in case is just stepping a new low. Hang the

  17. 19 hours ago

    ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ When you're not a member of the or But of the ! To him I give alliance!

  18. Jul 3

    Hey can you just shut the border down for everyone I’m getting tired of using these poor people for political gain. ! ! !

  19. 24 hours ago

    Obama Tells Democratic Donors To 'Get Organized' And Register Voters Before Midterms

  20. Jun 26

    funny how we "have a crisis of democracy" when sore loser don't get what they want..

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