Risultati della ricerca
  1. 21 giu
    In risposta a , e

    "Decided not to take them home"

  2. 21 giu
    In risposta a , e
  3. 20 giu
    In risposta a e

    What about this what about that.

  4. 20 giu

    These magats give me

  5. 20 giu
    In risposta a e

    You know what? I have . Going to block all assholes from now on

  6. 1 set 2017

    Good lord I wish that I was surprised by this.

  7. 18 lug 2017

    Klobase, polenta, and banoffee pie will basically fix everything.

  8. 18 mar 2016

    Officially exhausted. News fast starts in 5 minutes and lasts throughout the weekend.

  9. 19 nov 2014

    Dear - I suffer from . Can you kill yourself so I can get better?

  10. 30 nov 2013

    Having one of those "Ugh, a social media notification." days. Time to go play Sims 3.

  11. 4 set 2013

    RT Having "everyone is an asshole" fatigue. |

  12. You know, the more news I watch, the less I feel like commenting on it. (H/T to for the hashtag.)

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