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  1. 7 ore fa

    Thanks for speaking up about the war in Just to Remind you all that a UNGA Resolution XIV 08 of 21st April 1961 voted in favour of the independence of . We came into a Union with Lrc as equal and not as Minority

  2. 22 giu

    When people lose their sense of Humanity it becomes so hard for them to speak the truth, show Love stand for Justice & Equity! Is Truth, Justice and Equity your underlying Principles?

  3. 21 giu
    In risposta a e

    You hear of refugees and it sounds like a far off concept until your people start getting mentioned as one in a foreign land.

  4. 15 giu

    ⁩ ⁦⁩ cannot handle feedback and is so thin-skinned it cannot take a critique of its lopsided report on . You won’t sacrifice . We will .

  5. 6 giu

    Nothing on with daily rights violations: Killings of youths, burning of villages, circa 160k internally displaces with another circa 45k fleeing in Nigeria. How bad thus the wants this to be before putting it on her agenda ?

  6. 27 mag
  7. 27 mag

    Hypocrite!!!! how is dubed to be the key strategy of the 's system working in ?With accepting luxury gifts from dictator while the continue to as the country plunges in

  8. 27 mag
  9. 14 mag
  10. 1 mag
  11. 12 apr
  12. 14 feb

    Thanks for flagging to . The government of is true to its predecessors. I’ve news for her: pretending that the does not exist, won’t make it go away. can help end colonialism in .

  13. 12 feb
    In risposta a

    Then we have to prevent conflicts before they escalate. Check with for instance. All efforts to get you call the state of Cameroun to failed. Now children are being separated from the mothers, and the cycle continues. .

  14. 17 dic 2017

    What's in a name? Everything. If you arrive , you are likely to visit only and meet a brutal genocidal dictator and his lying junta. If on the other hand you arrive , you will visit two countries and hear from both sides. Words matter.

  15. 17 dic 2017

    played the Christmas party last night. Im so impressed with these nutty merrymakers!

  16. 6 dic 2017

    Indeed, ! So, too, for . There is no alternative to the two-state, equal in status solution

  17. 21 nov 2017
  18. 10 nov 2017

    When the anglo-saxon educational system was not yet "francophonised"

  19. 9 ott 2017

    Know why has not intervened in yet? One guess: they want to massacre more ppl first.

  20. 28 set 2017

    statement today on adds salt to injury caused when failed in 1961.

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