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  1. 10 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    , do the world and the people of a landmark favour. Table the conflict at the . Don't wait for 2. Don't turn blind eye like .. Defend .

  2. 10 ore fa
  3. 14 ore fa
    In risposta a

    How is the Gov't of Cameroun going to deliver its 12 Billon Francs "AID" package when they're shooting through houses in the middle of a town? Unbelievable...

  4. 16 ore fa

    Joshua 1:9 Have I Not commanded you? Be strong & Courageous. Do Not be frightened & Not be dismayed, for the Lord ur God is with u wherever u go

  5. 21 ore fa
  6. 23 ore fa

    The Interim Government of Federal Republic of demands the whereabouts of its Pro-Independence leaders abducted in Nigeria, held incommunicado. Today marks 169 days since their disappearance.

  7. 23 ore fa

    French Cameroon soldiers firing bullets indiscriminately into neighbourhoods killing innocent civilians as continues

  8. 21 giu
  9. 20 giu

    The elderly & most vulnerable are targeted by French Cameroon soldiers as continues in Southern Cameroons

  10. 20 giu
  11. 19 giu

    What do you expect from a young man from oshie whose entire life has been reduced to Ashes. Is this the one and indivisible Cameroon.Go and talk to people like this and hear what they have to say. There is no turning back on this mission.

  12. 19 giu

    What has the world turn into? orgx are now not helpful to curb excises of tyrannic regime across the global sphere. We must begin to take them more serious.

  13. 19 giu

    This is happening in AKA our people can not travel, they will be burn in their cars if the met the military imported from Mr. Paul Biya country to come kill our people. Our people have no where to go

  14. 19 giu

    Today marks 165 days since our Pro-Independence leaders were kidnapped in Nigeria and deported by Buhari's regime as demanded by Biya's regime. His Excellency Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and 46 others are nowhere to be found as held incommunicado.

  15. 19 giu
  16. 18 giu
  17. 18 giu
  18. 17 giu

    Christain woman + her husband murdered today in Batibo, in the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia Highlands. By the USA trained and France funded Cameroon army of arch dictator, French puppet and president or life, Paul Biya.

  19. 16 giu

    RIP OUR AMBA WARRIOR!!! *AKUMA FRU* FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!! *RIP COMRADE*🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 you shall pay for this attrocities ongoing in SouthernCameroons.

  20. 16 giu

    The boys are more determined to have their land. Ambazonians Buea is real. They radicalized us to this stage.

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