

Loving husband and father, God fearing

Iscritto a settembre 2012


Hai bloccato @sinyomakanda

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  1. 8 ore fa
  2. ha ritwittato

    This afternoon, as we were leaving a wonderful rally in Bulawayo, there was an explosion on the stage. Several people were affected by the blast, and I have already been to visit them in the hospital.

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  3. ha ritwittato

    While we await further information, my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this senseless act of violence. The campaign has been conducted in a free and peaceful environment, and we will not allow this cowardly act to get in our way as we move towards elections.

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  4. ha ritwittato

    Let us continue to be united and address our differences peacefully. The strongest response to violence is peace. The strongest response to hate is love. God Bless Zimbabwe

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  5. 19 ore fa
  6. Annulla
  7. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    MDC & ZANU supporters need to stop tagging Foreign Diplomats in their petty squabbles. Diplomats are working for their countries interests only.

  8. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
  9. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Mdc spokesperson goes around in circles, says vanguard is inexistent and just an idea. anchor for baffled

  10. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Constitutional adherence was going to save Mdc from a detrimental split. Party is weak although nerrorists think otherwise, votes divided going into the 2018 election. Samanyanga and Sibanda stress the points on constitutionalism

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  11. 12 giu
  12. ha ritwittato
    12 giu

    Mliswa & his committee were fooling us with those Mugabe summons. Get this straight folks - politicians of all stripes will fool you, but will never jail each other? If u doubt me, name any 20 politicians since 1923 jailed for scamming the public. Even Smith died a free man

  13. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    When my beloved country becomes a subject for International Quiz for the wrong reasons.

  14. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    🤣🤣 To my friends clamouring for the voters roll. By next week, all sorts of characters will hv yo personal details, yo full name, ID#, passport # & yo physical address. Criminals will have a party!

  15. ha ritwittato
    10 giu

    When exactly should ZEC release the voters’ roll? Here is what the Electoral Act says: • it must be released “within reasonable time” after election date is proclaimed • AFTER nomination day (in this case, this Thursday) • It must be in analysable form and tamper proof.

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  16. ha ritwittato
    10 giu

    "At the rally, Zanu-PF outcast Mr Kudakwashe Bhasikiti was introduced as the ’s parliamentary candidate for Mwenezi East" Don't candidates have to be members for 5 years to qualify?

  17. ha ritwittato
    7 giu
  18. 8 giu
  19. ha ritwittato
    8 giu

    Breaking : NPF has fired its president Ambrose Mutinhiri for incompetence

  20. 7 giu

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