Populist Action Network  


A bulwark for national sovereignty and a pluripolar world where all groups have the right to self-determination and dignity 🇺🇸 MAGA

Iscritto a giugno 2018


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  1. 22 giu
    In risposta a e
  2. 22 giu

    The media's poster child for "ICE ripping families apart!" is actually a poster child for "economic migrants subjecting their own kids to unnecessary risks for purely financial reasons." Been a real banner week for the MSM.

    @esaagar tweet reading, "Father of the now famous photo of the little girl crying says his wife/child were never separated at any time by authorities, that his wife was seeking a job (not fleeing violence), and that he is upset w/ her for taking his child on the dangerous journey http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5869829/amp/Father-two-year-old-face-child-separation-crisis-speaks-out.html …"
  3. 20 giu

    Notice how Fonda plays 'morality police' while simultaneously advocating for an innocent child to be 'ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles'. Absolutely psychopathic.

  4. 18 giu

    Police: Black woman declares, 'I hate white people' before attacking white Ride On bus passengers: (via )

  5. 19 giu

    TRUMP: “I'm going to go, very shortly, for authorization that when countries abuse us by sending their people up -- not their best [people] -- we're not going to give any more aid to those countries. Why the hell should we? Why should we?"

  6. 19 giu

    Remember the leftist media outrage about Obama handing migrant children over to human traffickers? Yea me neither.

  7. 19 giu

    ‘No borders, no country’: Trump digs in on immigration, says Democrats want illegals to ‘infest’ US

  8. 18 giu
  9. Especially in San Francisco

  10. 19 giu
  11. 19 giu
  12. 18 giu

    Degenerate rapper condolences flooding my TL.

  13. 19 giu

    This is the guy with the video lynching a white child. 🖕

  14. 19 giu

    So now a photo of a white family is considered sensitive material? Twitter should be ashamed! "This media may contain sensitive material. Your media settings are configured to warn you when media may be sensitive."

  15. 19 giu

    MSM: "Black teenager with no record sentenced to 5 years for stealing" Breaking911: "He used a gun"

  16. 19 giu

    Tolerance is destroying Western Europe.

  17. 15 giu

    Another helpless 'refugee' arrested for raping a German woman - in the same town where a teenage girl was murdered by 'refugees'. End this nightmare, close the borders.

  18. 13 giu

    The left wants us to fill out paperwork and submit our entire life history in order to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights... but showing I.D. to vote is considered suppression. 🤔

  19. 13 giu

    The has told us this week that... - Housewives are white supremacists - Christians destroyed civilization - Rounding up illegals for deportation is the same as Nazi Germany Do you understand what's going on yet?


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