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  1. 14 giu

    Ho prenotato le vacanze e penso che fino al 21 agosto non mi comprerò nemmeno il caffè a 50 cent delle macchinette.

  2. 4 ore fa

    We have the Power to Stop , To End , , all are by-products of failed policies & an unjust system. Together forward, not one step back! Join us as we march for fairness!

  3. 7 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Coincidence? 60% of US live in ! 60% of US tax dollar goes to US . Fund & !! NOT 1%ers trampling our world to get for . = UNITY JUSTICE

  4. 10 ore fa

    Somehow, in the shitstorm that is the news, I missed this. The UN report on poverty in the US and the growing income inequality here.

  5. "“The greatest anti- program is a union” ," says President at release of “The Work of Leisure” report WATCH:

  6. 14 ore fa
  7. 15 ore fa

    Go see Michael Dean’s Show Powerful messages about making art from nowt. It’s a must!!

  8. 17 ore fa

    More misery heaped on pensioners, including - the government truly hates the people who have been the backbone of this country

  9. 18 ore fa

    "In 1820, 94% of the world's population lived in extreme . In 1990, 34.8%, and in 2015, just 9.6%." When we advance our civilization through and , we lift >137,000 people per day out of extreme poverty.

  10. 18 ore fa

    Recently finished reading by . Best piece of writing I've encountered on and its effects. Funny, dark, political, honest, accurate. Raw in places. Buy a copy and read it.

  11. 20 ore fa

    Was looking up articles on which futon mattress to buy. Never realized how common it is for single moms to not have a bedroom.

  12. 23 giu

    Don't judge by appearance .. a rich heart may be under a poor coat ..

  13. 21 giu

    foster greed in society. I intend to give my tax cut to a charity that cares for . When Australia is so heavily in debt & leaves its pensioners on the line the taking of a tax cut is an act of theft

  14. 21 giu
  15. 21 giu

    When paying Rs.400 for VeereDiWedding, doesn’t matter. When bargaining with Sabziwala, don’t matter. When hogging like a pig, doesn’t matter. When tagging employers becos a tweet offended U, doesn’t matter. They matter ONLY on YogaDay

  16. 20 giu

    Greens would reverse increases in military budgets and corporate subsidies from the G.W. Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations and redistribute those funds to support living wage jobs, work training programs, and family support.

  17. 20 giu

    New Releases in Poverty #8: Eva era africana (Universale Gallucci) (Italian Edition) by Rita Levi-Montalcini

  18. 19 giu
  19. 19 giu

    Can you stop the planet I want to get off. I can't stand what is going on. Kids in concentration camps. Genocide in and Hunger/ worldwide extremism rising Media out of control. WAKE UP PEOPLE. IS HERE.

    Mostra questa discussione
  20. L'ultimo grande successo del ? 2.7 milioni di umani senza cibo costretti a chiedere aiuto per sopravvivere, 5mln in povertà assoluta e, circa 100mila senza fissa dimora.

Il caricamento sembra essere lento.

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