UNHCR Djibouti


Official page for UNHCR in Djibouti: Safeguarding the well-being and rights of refugees and asylum seekers

Iscritto a giugno 2014


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  1. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    On we remember that protecting people fleeing persecution, violence and war is a basic act of humanity shared by all cultures and enshrined in international law.

  2. 21 giu

    This is how World Refugee Day went down at the settlement in , ! , staff, partners, and locals had a blast celebrating with showcases of culture and sports.

  3. 20 giu

    Today, on World Refugee Day, H.E. the Minister of Interior of affirmed that should not feel like strangers in this country.

  4. 19 giu

    Endless thanks to the Government of and our donors and partners for their commitment to protecting, advocating for, and empowering !

  5. 19 giu

    C'est la Journée Mondiale des Réfugiés! Le Représentant du HCR à exprime que "c'est avec une grande fierté que nous pouvons constater et affirmer sans nul doute que le pays est engagé à se tenir aux côtés des ."

  6. 18 giu

    . women at the settlement in , are amazingly talented and incredibly enterprising! These wallets and clutches were handmade by them with big thanks to the livelihoods training of !

  7. 17 giu

    This World Refugee Day and everyday, let's stand together --giving life-saving protection and advocating for their rights:

  8. ha ritwittato
    16 giu

    🎞Looking for footage of Angelina Jolie's visit to West Mosul today? We've got it right here on Media: 🔗 ▶️Here's short preview

  9. 16 giu

    Meet Omar, who fled conflict in some ten years ago. With fortitude and resilience, he has since rebuilt his life in , establishing a tailoring business in the heart of the capital and hiring/training other too.

  10. 15 giu

    من جميعنا هنا في - كل عام والجميع بألف خير!

  11. 14 giu

    Countdown to , looking back at the progressive strides has made and looking ahead to the challenges and goals to tackle!

  12. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Did you know that, contrary to media coverage, the majority of Africans do not leave the continent? Learn more ➡️

    , , e altri 3
  13. 8 giu

    Yesterday, H.E. Hassan Ali Khayre, the Prime Minister of visited compatriots at the settlement. After thanking the Government of for their solidarity with the Somali , he vowed to help improve conditions for their .

  14. ha ritwittato
    5 giu

    Everyone has the right to life and liberty. Everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Everyone has the right to seek asylum from persecution.

  15. 5 giu

    Earlier this week, the operation's staff, together with and , addressed distinguished members of the Djiboutian Parliament to give a refresher/overview of our priorities in responding to the needs of and in .

  16. ha ritwittato
    30 mag

    Meet Deputy High Commissioner , UNHCR’s most senior female staff member, giving a compelling account of what keeps her up at night. via

  17. ha ritwittato
    30 mag

    Halima Aden,, the first model was born in camp.What an emotional journey, going back to that very camp to speak at on 9 June. Thanks , for organising such an historic event

  18. ha ritwittato
    30 mag

    Empowered women = More peaceful societies When women are empowered to have a greater say in their community, they see warning signs of violent extremism & take preventive action. via

  19. ha ritwittato
    29 mag

    Our new book for June has just been announced: "A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea" by from . Join the book club to read and discuss it:

  20. ha ritwittato

    قد تباعد بيننا حدودٌ ومسافات، لكن الإنسانية تجمعنا، فنشعر بألم أمٍّ وأولادها شردتهم نيران الحروب، ونحس بمعاناة طفلٍ فقد كل شيء وبقي وحيداً... لأن ، لنصنع الفرق... معاً.


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