
Hai bloccato @hichamrachdi4

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  1. 20 giu

    Nonostante la perdita della partita vinta da Complimenti al una squadra dominante che ha provato fino alla fine Proud to be Moroccan🇲🇦

  2. 20 giu

    Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home ’s new report about displaced people. .Human dignity has no Race,Skin color,Religion,Culture,Geographical origin.

  3. 18 giu

    Complimenti Il una risorsa importante per la formazione dei giovani,mi vergogno per tutte quelle persone che generalizzano sul fatto che la nuova generazione sono ignoranti. Il vuole abolire il 😲

  4. 17 giu

    Wonderful woman, making her existence on earth and her status as a celebrity worth something !! Thanks

  5. 11 giu

    Che vergogna pronunciare la parola "Vittoria"! .Sono stati buttati al mare i valori,la dignità,l'affidabilità e la credibilità dell'Italia. .E un fallimento di millenni di evoluzione umana

  6. 5 giu

    A healthy planet is essential for a prosperous and peaceful future.We all have a role to play in protecting our only home :reject single-use plastic.Refuse what you can’t re-use.Together, we can chart a path to a cleaner, greener world.

  7. ha ritwittato
    22 mag

    I just uploaded 'The Case of Jihadism in Italy: An Idiosyncrasy (Conference Presentation) - Transna…' to !

    Mostra questa discussione
  8. 16 apr

    Excellent initiative in :First Int'l Anti-Terrorism Conference held Sun in Tripoli,with a number of foreign ambassadors and military attaches present @Silvia_Carenzi

  9. 11 apr

    Congratulations to ,formally joins member states & non-EU countries from both shores of the mediterranean to work on developing responses to scarcity & food security via

  10. 21 mar

    Thanks to for the enlightening interview on the use of and water conservation,also the Sudanese people for the warm reception and good listening. , and

  11. 21 mar

    It was a pleasure to participate as a speaker in the international meeting for in & meet various components of the Sudanese government by creating future collaborations in this sense

  12. ha ritwittato
    13 mar

    "We have to be able to look directly in the eyes of the children of and explain ourselves... This is a story, now, of accountability and responsibility." -- Deputy Chief Kate Gilmore

  13. 6 mar

    In , CSP is expected to decrease dependence on oil by about 2.5 million tons and reduce carbon emissions by 760,000 tons per year

  14. 28 feb
  15. 21 feb

    raddoppiata la percentuale di giovanissimi che dichiara di aver visto online materiale che li ha turbati o spaventati. .Oggi su la ricerca - per

  16. 20 feb

    Ma ci rendiamo conto di che patrimonio nazionale sia questo uomo? Grazie

  17. 20 feb
  18. 24 nov 2017

    It is almost impossible to find words to describe how revolted I am by this attack on people at prayer.My deepest condolences to the families and friends of those murdered today

  19. 21 nov 2017

    La lettura dei brani del diario ,un modo moderno di difendere la costituzione e la dignità perché l'ignoranza e l'odio si combattono con la memoria attiva.Ottima iniziativa

  20. 21 nov 2017

    At least 50 died in suicide bomb attack to in town of Mubi in .Boko Haram thought to be behind this terrorist attack.Clear example that can't be associated with .It's just a barbarian attack @Silvia_Carenzi


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