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  1. 21 giu
  2. 8 ore fa

    Zimbabwe's says he will not allow a cowardly act to get in the way as the country moves towards elections.

  3. 9 ore fa

    BULAWAYO BLAST : Unconfirmed reports indicate that Vice President Kembo Mohadi was injured in the blast. There are also reports that several security personnel attached to VIPs were injured.

  4. 9 ore fa

    Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is reported to be safe following an explosion at an election campaign rally in Bulawayo.

  5. 10 ore fa

    I'll be taking you through your prime time evening news tonight from 18h00pm- 21h30pm. Find out more details and updates on the explosion in Zimbabwe , as President Mnangagwa exited the stage

  6. 11 ore fa

    Saudi women are to be allowed to drive from midnight after a ban comes to an end. The change was announced last September and Saudi Arabia issued the first licences to women earlier this month. It was the only country left in the world where women could not drive.

  7. 11 ore fa

    The Zimbabwean president has survived the explosion, two of his aides are reported to have passed on after that explosion at a campaign rally.

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  8. 11 ore fa

    Lawyer for the disgruntled group of ANC members, Advocate Dali Mpofu and Judge Nana Makhubele had a heated debate in the Johannesburg High Court.

  9. BREAKING NEWS: Zimbabwe president ED Mnangagwa is safe and sound, 2 aides died while several injured - reports

  10. 11 ore fa

    Explosion at White City Stadium Bulawayo where Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangwagwa is holding rally. Unconfirmed reports say at least two killed and several injured

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  11. 11 ore fa

    Zimbabwe today, an explosion at a rally addressed by the president of the country.

    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  12. 11 ore fa

    There has been an explosion at Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa's campaign rally in Bulawayo. Reports say he is safe.

  13. 12 ore fa

    Shark nets have been removed from all protected beaches along the Durban beachfront. In the last week, sardine activity has been seen mainly on the province's south coast where many pockets of the fish have been netted.

  14. 13 ore fa

    Sardine netting is taking place at Pumula on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast. Small pockets of the little, silver fish were spotted early this morning. Yesterday the main concentration of sardine activity was on the South Coast between Sezela and Mdesinga Bay.

  15. 13 ore fa

    ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule has severely criticised the four disgruntled members who approached the South Gauteng Court to have the provisional conference be postponed.

  16. 15 ore fa

    Black teachers at the Waterfall School, have spoken out about the alleged racism at the private school in Midrand north of Johannesburg. A teacher who is still employed there, says black and white teachers have separate staff rooms.

  17. 19 ore fa

    Limpopo SACP secretary - Gilbert Kganyago has been howled during the ANC provincial elective conference in Polokwane

  18. 22 giu

    Mpofu : The EFF are truth tellers . The bible says the truth will set you free.

  19. 22 giu

    Adv Mpofu

  20. 21 giu

    BREAKING NEWS: Three initiates have died at Libode in the Eastern Cape. It's only a week after the official opening of the winter initiation season by the DM of CoGTA .

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