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  1. 19 ott 2017

    flavia_marzano: RT FrancBusinarolo: Vi diamo una buona notizia. Il Senato ha approvato il disegno di legge del MoVimento 5 Stelle sul

  2. 7 ore fa
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    Great day, lovely to be there and discuss with audience - glad everyone enjoyed the session always good to see you

  3. 10 ore fa

    Risk of various conditions reduced by exercise at

  4. 16 ore fa
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  5. 16 ore fa
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    Looking forward to joining colleagues today to listen to a range of interesting topics at

  6. 20 ore fa
  7. 20 ore fa

    Good morning - this was the most profound slide from yesterday’s - it highlights the importance of love and kindness in our development Do the work the world needs doing

  8. 22 giu

    Metallic Whis sarà non solo un’esclusiva SDCC ma sarà reperibile solamente al booth (stand) di Funimation durante la fiera!

  9. 22 giu
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  10. 22 giu
  11. 21 giu
  12. 21 giu

    We need your HELP, assesment, diagnosis Who can help ,with getting

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  13. 21 giu
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    Absolutely - look at what @ejrd_has and the team have just done 💡68 pages of incredible knowledge to be shared when we launch tomorrow 😊promoting health and wellbeing - by the community for the community 👍🏻

  14. 21 giu

    Looking forward to seeing Zoe Butler and Theo Bampouras at the World Health Innovation Summit over the next two days. They join an amazing line-up of speakers that will make this an event to remember.

  15. 21 giu
  16. 21 giu

    Inspire is a digital magazine that explores the fields of healthcare to provide the tools that support individuals and their communities. Through this platform, we provide inspiring content from the community that’s created for the community. 💡

  17. 20 giu

    Did you know that 78% of 18-24 year olds are interested in social value? is a purpose driven organisation delivering social value 🌎🌍🌏If you or your businesses would like to join you can find out more via our website

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  18. 19 giu

    We're delighted to announce we've partnered with World Wellness Weekend 22nd & 23rd September 2018 over 50 countries

  19. 18 giu

    Those interested in generating and sharing value in their community see our Federation model all programmes can be developed locally 💡🌍

  20. 17 giu
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    👍🏻Salutogenic approach in the community to support

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