
Hai bloccato @AmeerGharbi

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  1. 14 ore fa

    I have PTSD (President Trump Stress Disorder) even listening to his voice makes me panic!

  2. 22 giu
  3. 20 giu

    This year more than ever on during I hope in the the future we won't feel the need to raise awareness for people hurting to no fault of their own.

  4. 15 giu

    If the were efficient in field of human rights, not only wouldn't be worn out and overwhelmed, but also it would not be essentially required to begin with.

  5. 4 mag

    The most horrible form of torture is to be kept in a situation where you wish for each precious moment of your life to pass faster.

  6. 25 nov 2017

    Yet another reason to admire 's influencial work, when my Turkish students learn English words because of Harry Potter spells.

  7. 25 nov 2017

    This year it's more like "God why me"giving day for me. But thanks anyway 😞

  8. 7 ott 2017

    I think we should all stop trying to get us BACK to good ol days and start thinking of creating good new days. Something that works for now.

  9. 7 ott 2017

    If u have a terrible cold on top of other problems, and still ur students don' want ur lesson 2 finish, then u'r ready 2 go up 2 next level!

  10. 6 ott 2017

    I am feeling grateful not because my life is as I've wished or at least easy, but because I love every moment of it anyway.

  11. 3 ott 2017

    The crazier the world gets, the more I expect to pop out and say that we've been punked. Seriously this shit can't be real!

  12. 30 set 2017

    2017 is finishing too, for the sake of humanity let's agree that people's birthplace, skin color, or genitals doesn't define their virtue.

  13. 26 set 2017

    This season of was a whole new level of awesome. Thanks for all the amazing moments you created.

  14. 15 set 2017

    Is it too big a wish to watch the top 10 tour live in Grand Prairie TX? is what helps me make it thru these tough days.

  15. 3 set 2017

    Cellphone causes stress. It either shows you how much worse you live than your friends, or what horrible things are happening in the world:|

  16. 27 lug 2017
  17. ha ritwittato
    7 lug 2017

    All refugees should be able to work to support their families. RT if you agree and stand !

  18. 22 mar 2017

    If in 2017 u still need to categorize people, cud u @ least come up with more sophisticated labels than their genitals or how they use it?!

  19. 10 mar 2017

    I've had enough for a in the past few months. is going down, I get it. No more breaking news for me pls.

  20. 10 mar 2017

    Racism 101: If u believe that a race (even urs) is inferior to any other, u r a practicing racist. There are good & bad people in all races.


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