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Where Al Jazeera's global audience becomes a global community. Tell us what stories you want to see amplified. Live on and YouTube.

Iscritto a gennaio 2011


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  1. 11 minuti fa

    What stories are you following today? Tell us what's making news in your part of the world.

  2. 3 ore fa

    What can the United Nations do to move the Yemeni government and the Houthis towards the negotiating table?

  3. 3 ore fa

    About 8.4 million Yemenis are directly reliant on food aid for their survival. What more should be done to provide help to them?

  4. 16 ore fa

    Thousands of families are on the move from Hudaida amid a battle between Yemeni forces and the Houthis. What further problems will this displacement bring?

  5. 18 ore fa

    What is the way forward for Nicaragua? On Tuesday, we'll discuss the the country's ongoing crisis. What do you want us to include in the programme?

  6. 19 ore fa

    What do you think are the biggest obstacles to reuniting families that have been separated due to the Trump admin’s immigration policy? We’ll discuss on Wednesday.

  7. 24 ore fa

    What do you think are the main challenges in delivering essential aid to 's population? We'll discuss on Monday.

  8. 23 giu

    What stories are you following today? Share your pitch and it could turn into an episode of The Stream.

  9. 23 giu

    . says both the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition are slowing essential aid to Yemenis. What can the international community do to ensure aid is delivered quickly?

  10. 23 giu

    About 70 percent of 's imports come through the port of Hudaida. What does the battle for control of Hudaida mean for Yemeni civilians?

  11. 22 giu

    What do you think the battle of Hudaida will mean for the future direction of the war in ? Tweet us your thoughts.

  12. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Yesterday I did my first ever live interview/performance with . The first words out my mouth when I performed were “my people come from the land on which you stand/ still fighting the white man” and it pissed some settlers off. Watch here

  13. 21 giu

    Thanks to for joining us today! And thanks to all of you for your questions and comments. You can watch the show back here: . And find Frank's website here:

    Mostra questa discussione
  14. 21 giu

    "Whenever I saw us on the news, it was really only poverty porn. They would only come in and cherry pick the negative stories and never talk about the history of why things are the way they are on our reservations." - .

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  15. 21 giu

    "I'm definitely going to write a song for Palestine one day, and the thing that keeps coming to my head is, 'I looked in the eyes of Palestine and I saw my own reflection'. I saw a reflection of my people and what we went through," says Frank.

    Mostra questa discussione
  16. 21 giu

    "This country has a deep history of separating indigenous children from their parents ... The same thing happened to my great-grandparents. What's happening today is just a continuation." - .

    Mostra questa discussione
  17. 21 giu

    "Frank Waln and his music speak to me, because he is uncompromising and his music is uncompromising. He tells the truth, his music tells the truth and I can identify with that as a black man," says in a video comment.

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  18. 21 giu

    "Hip-hop was created by a colonized people who were stolen away from their homeland and stolen away from their culture ... Hip-hop at its core is coming from indigenous roots," tells us.

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  19. ha ritwittato
    21 giu
    In risposta a , e

    His music is awesome - would love to see him at Takin it to the Streets, the next time holds it in Chicago!

  20. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    so happy to be watching the livestream w. ❤️❤️❤️


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