Risultati della ricerca
  1. 7 giu

    /Mozambique Anno 74 E l'anno della grande vittoria noi tutti ci integreremo nella lotta ideologica....

  2. 22 giu
  3. 32 minuti fa

    Inmates run from a bull during the Angola Prison Rodeo : Angola, Louisiana : April 2014⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀

  4. 2 ore fa

    Many of the fishermen we met on our 1,300km expedition bore the scars of attacks, and told stories about friends who had been killed. 's rivers are not a safe place for such unstable watercraft!

  5. 9 ore fa

    Between interview sessions, a wonderful lunch of grilled corvina and fried bananas in Praia Amélia, Luanda.

  6. 10 ore fa

    Epic hill formations about 80km east of Lobito.

  7. 21 ore fa
  8. 23 ore fa
  9. 22 giu

    Over 500 children from city of Tômbwa in 's🇦🇴 Namibe desert planted 1,000 trees to mark World Day to Combat & Anniversary, organized by the Embassy of in order to create a green wall between the desert & the city.

  10. 22 giu

    In the post-independence history of 's plundering, Swiss-Angolan Jean-Claude Bastos de Morais is the king of robbers. He helped bleed the country dry through greed and vanity. He made the Angolan Sovereign Wealth Fund his own “piggy bank”.

  11. 22 giu
  12. 21 giu

    SWA Police counter-insurgency unit board a Casspir APC next to a Owambo Krall

  13. 21 giu

    21 June 1982: Three soldiers of a Koevoet unit were killed when the Casspir they were traveling in hit a PLAN double landmine outside Eenhana near the cut-line

  14. 21 giu
  15. 21 giu

    The citizens of continue to be affected by landmines from a civil war which ended in 2002. Help make Angola .

  16. 20 giu
  17. 19 giu
  18. 18 giu
  19. 18 giu

    Aiutiamoli a casa loro. Interessante meeting con gli eurodeputati Lancini e Borghezio e il consigliere Bastoni. Brazzaville

  20. 16 giu

    There’s an abundance of Oil and Gas in and I see more investment in energy assets and competition. Looking forward to meeting my friends from , , , , , , in . Big deals.

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