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  1. 6 hours ago
  2. Jun 22

    When are people gonna stop looking at what makes others different from them and start looking at what makes them the same. We all share the same small planet in the universe.

  3. 2 hours ago
    Replying to

    This cannot be allowed to happen. The whole immigration “policy” is an abomination. Why do people not see this?

  4. 5 hours ago

    Years ago just waiting for you, years ago just praying you were here, years ago thinking in my goals, have done the time, all my time vanishes but it’s worth every moment that I spend with you 🌈 TE AMO

  5. 7 hours ago
  6. 7 hours ago

    Hate that I can’t be part of any festivities for but I am there in spirit. I stand with all people - always

  7. 15 hours ago
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    The outcome of this vote is SO interesting. 70%+ mistrust other human beings.

  8. 23 hours ago

    It’s okay to love one another... Just in case the world is forgetting....

  9. Jun 22

    why is it so fucking bad coming to the U.S when we can go wherever we want in the world? like wtf who comes up with these stupid as rules.

  10. Jun 22

    “Underground America” is a powerful look at how this country has treated undocumented immigrants in the recent past. It is valuable in understanding our current situation, letting the undocumented immigrants speak for themselves in their own voices.

  11. Jun 22

    The only perfect individual in this world does not exist.

  12. Jun 22

    Enjoyed a wonderful, inspiring talk last night from about encouraging mistakes and not being scared of failure, as a pathway to success! You know what he means !!

  13. Jun 21
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    I can imagine that some people struggle with their menthal health. But I think you're doing your f*cking best and i'm a proud fan/supporter of you. Cause you opened your heart about it and shared your story.

  14. Jun 21

    Why is everyone going back and forth, we are all human. My father is full-blooded Native American, my mother is black American. The way that I see it, my father's people were here, my mother's people were brought here. Everyone else came over on their own.

  15. Jun 21
  16. Jun 20

    My grandfather, at age 17, became a WWII refugee. He boarded a ship to South America not knowing a word of Spanish or what kind of life awaited him. He made it and contributed hard work, love and diversity to the country that welcomed him.

  17. Jun 20
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    Well done people of Wales. This is how to treat refugees.

  18. Jun 20
  19. Jun 19

    I'm a migrant. My being white w/ a Canadian passport does NOT make me more human than others. My family, my safety and well-being, my dreams do NOT have greater value than those of everyone else.

  20. Jun 19

    I can’t bring myself to like this. However, knowledge is power so retweeting instead. The dehumanising of humans is the beginning of where previous atrocities started. This is abhorrent.

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