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  2. Jun 20

    If you don't like refugees invading your country, stop voting for politicians that invade and bomb the shit out of their countries.

  3. Jun 20

    President Obama reminds Trump supporters that their ancestors were once unwelcome refugees too.

  4. Jun 20
  5. Jun 20

    Thinking of the... Yemeni refugee Syrian refugee Rohingya refugee Somali refugee Sudanese refugee Iraqi refugee Bhutanese refugee Malian refugee Eritrean refugee Venezuelan refugee South Sudanese refugee and countless other refugees from all around the world

  6. Jun 20

    I'm a war refugee who fled from Lebanon 12 years ago. The only airport in the country had been bombed by Israeli airstrikes; we watched it burn from our house. Canada's refugee program helped us escape by boat. My family and I are now proud Canadian citizens.

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  7. Direct Provision is a camp Direct Provision is a camp Direct Provision is a camp Direct Provision is a camp Stop the whitewashing

  8. Jun 20

    In the end, we will realise that for better or worse, we were in this shit show together. So on this please -

  9. Jun 20

    The refugee crisis will not be solved unless the world establishes a ''genuine framework for peace.'' Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba).

  10. Jun 20
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  11. Jun 20

    Today is , a reminder we must speak up for those most vulnerable at our borders in the US and around the world. As the daughter of a refugee, I know we can do better.

  12. Jun 20

    Cate Blanchett as UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador in London on

  13. Jun 20

    I was once separated at age 7 from my father while fleeing war in Bosnia. My mother and I ran into him weeks later by pure chance at a refugee checkpoint (this predated cell phones..), and the reunion was something out of a movie. (1/2)

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  14. Jun 21

    “No-one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land” - Warsan Shire

  15. Jun 20

    I must say that Albanians are one of the most merciful people I ever met. They used to say: “You are a refugee, our refugee, and it is a sin for us to charge you for anything or to deny you any help you need!”

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  16. Jun 20

    Any of us could have been a refugee. We were born where we were born by circumstance, luck. Refugees didn’t choose their life (in some cases war, famine). They did choose to do what they felt was best for their family, probably exactly what you or I would do.

  17. Jun 20

    Thank you to our co-workers who their time to help refugees adjust to new communities! At IKEA, we stand on and every day by partnering with organizations like , , and . Together, we help make a difference.

  18. Jun 20

    Never forget how many of us are Americans because our ancestors came fleeing war, famine, religious persecution & other hardships. They believed America was where they could build a better life for their families. It will be a sad day when that’s no longer true.

  19. Jun 20

    "Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?" Former President Obama on .

  20. Jun 20

    Refugees coming to our country have left everything they’ve ever known to seek a better life and the right to live peacefully with their families. In L.A. we stand with refugees and we welcome them — because those are the American values we embody in our city.

  21. Jun 20

    1. A foreboding , and not just because 68.5 million displaced people is the highest since WWII. Our president & his allies have made clear that they will never stop lying about refugees and asylum seekers for perceived political gain.

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