Naufal Habiburrahim


My Life is for Allah & Science. Focus with what you face!!!

Sumatra Barat, Payakumbuh Kota
Iscritto a luglio 2012


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  1. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Today is - a day to reflect on the lives of millions of individuals forced to leave everything behind by fear & violence - they can be families, they can be adults or children - in the end, they are human beings who deserve to be met with generosity and openness

  2. 21 giu
  3. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Sahabat sahabat silahkan merapat, Niatkan Itikaf, mencari Ilmu dan bersilaturahmi, Ajak keluarga dan saudara semoga menjadi Amal sholeh. ..

  4. 21 giu
  5. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Bisa ke Balai Penelitian Peternakan atau ke lisensor yg telah ditunjuk. Lebih jelasnya bisa kontak ke no yg tertera di alamat web ini : Bisa jg kunjungi twitter Colek

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  6. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Pagi Kali ini telah membuat inovasi ayam KUB (Kampung Unggulan Balitbangtan) Bayangkan potensinya mampu bertelur hingga 180 butir dalam setahun atau setara 2 hari sekali. Mari beternak ayam Utk Utk

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  7. 21 giu

    Lamongan... Who has hometown here?? 😁 Increase the ability of village chicken (I don't know how to say "Ayam kampung" 😅) until twice a day to egging... May this technology spreads to all of Indonesia farmers.

  8. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    On ⁠ ⁠ celebrated with refugees and children and Bengali artists. They all expressed thru art about life of a refugee, their hopes and dreams, many children drew their houses 🏡 back home.

  9. 21 giu

    May God receive and make their hopes come true... 😇😌

  10. 21 giu

    Mr. President write this with your heart deeply, please....

  11. 21 giu

    I've get these lesson also in my collage, it's means Islam has been modern marketing strategy for long time ago which people in this world hadn't get it.

  12. ha ritwittato
    2 apr
  13. 20 giu

    Praying, thinking, doing...controlling Start from your Creator for ask about your next successful and ask how to do it... Do it, finish it, evaluate it... Ask to The Creator what should we do to make it better...

  14. ha ritwittato
    2 mag 2017

    Self care is not selfish care. Self care is a gift to You & everyone that matters in your life.

  15. 20 giu

    Self care... Isn't about selfish but it's for care yourself for care your love... How can you care who's your love if you don't care your body yourself....

  16. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    FPI dikenal dengan aksi-aksi sweeping mereka secara sepihak dan berbentuk kekerasan. Apakah benar? Kali ini kami berkesempatan mengunjungi sekaligus berbincang dengan Front Pembela Islam (FPI). Tonton videonya di link ini👇

  17. ha ritwittato
    16 giu

    Heavy monsoon rains in the past week caused around 100 landslide incidents throughout the refugee settlements. Meet shelter officer, Marina Drazba, geologist and landslide expert, helping to keep families safer

  18. 16 giu

    Rohingya stills need us... What've we done for them?

  19. ha ritwittato
    16 giu

    Separating children from their families leaves them more vulnerable to exploitation & abuse. Regardless of immigration status, children are children first. They must be protected. More via ⬇️

  20. 16 giu

    *Don't to

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