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  1. 16 ore fa
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  2. 22 giu

    How much bronzer And how much gel Does it take a monster To hide that hell To coat that smell The rot that dwells DEPRAVED AND POMPOUS A good look for a cell

  3. 21 giu

    Good Gawd... Trump is talking (lying) about the effing crowd size at his damn rally last night as children suffer by his orders. Let that sink in... BTW.The arena was not at full capacity. Many empty seats.

  4. 21 giu

    Time's new cover - the truth hurts, doesn't it? Republicans how's that working for you? What's a little mass child abuse, and crimes against humanity? Are you tired of winning yet?

  5. 21 giu

    HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST. Let's remember that everyone knows these are facts..... I guess the right just continues to pretend like they don't exist. SHEEP....

  6. 20 giu
  7. 19 giu
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    and his Very Low IQ Minions believe everything because as of now, his bullshit hasn’t hit them yet, but it will, sooner than they think. When it does, no pity from me.

  8. 17 giu
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    You are a repugnant person. Resign.

  9. 17 giu
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    Every reporter needs to point out his lies and misinformation that he spews each day. He needs to be called out for his lies.

  10. 16 giu
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    Thank you!!!!! Not speaking out is also a crime against

  11. 16 giu
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  12. 16 giu
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  13. 15 giu
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  14. 15 giu
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    This is disgusting on so many levels; I am not one of his “people”... I am an American citizen & he works for ME. Perhaps if he or his minions read the Constitution, they would remember this basic tenet of law

  15. 15 giu

    Trump Is Lying. He lies all the time, about everything. He lies about big things. He lies about small things. That's what he does. He is a con-man and a fraud. That's what was all about. . The bottom line is....Trump is a liar.

  16. 15 giu

    “Enforce the law”? Really? Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you talk about ENFORCING THE LAW when you work for Donald Trump??

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  17. 15 giu
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  18. 15 giu

    The White House is using the Bible to defend separating children from their parents. Being a Trump supporter and being a Jesus follower are now officially mutually exclusive.

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